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Code-golf is a competition to solve a particular problem in the fewest bytes of source code.

3 votes

Ones and Twos for days

PowerShell, 23 bytes for(){$i++;1;,2*$i++;1} Try it online! Prints the sequence indefinitely.
AdmBorkBork's user avatar
  • 43.5k
2 votes

Alternating Triangles

PowerShell, 42 bytes "$args"..1|%{((" "*($_/2)+"/"),"|")[$_%2]} Try it online! Loops from input $args down to 1, each iteration choosing whether to output spaces and a /, or the | character base …
AdmBorkBork's user avatar
  • 43.5k
3 votes

Find self-locating strings in a number

PowerShell, 60 56 bytes param($n)1..128|%{$o+=$_*($_-eq$n.indexOf("$_",$_))};+$o Try it online! Takes input $n as a string (else you'll get floating point inaccuracies), then constructs a range …
AdmBorkBork's user avatar
  • 43.5k
14 votes

ASCII art is ready for take-off

PowerShell, 131 117 bytes param($n)' '*$n+" |" $n..1|%{" "*$_+"/$(' '*++$i)\";$x="*-$('-'*++$i)*"} $x ,("| $('o '*$n)|")*$i $x " /$('_'*--$i)\" Try it online! Line breaks added for clarity, but …
AdmBorkBork's user avatar
  • 43.5k
1 vote

Is it a doubling sequence?

PowerShell, 49 bytes param($n)($n|?{$_-ge2*$l;$l=$_}).count-eq$n.count Try it online! Takes input $n then uses a Where-Object to pull out those elements that are -greaterthanorequal to 2 times t …
AdmBorkBork's user avatar
  • 43.5k
3 votes

Reversed Iota's

PowerShell, 19 bytes 1.."$args"|%{$_..1} Try it online! Generates the range from 1 to input $args, then constructs the reversed range for each of those numbers. Tack on a -join to better see how …
AdmBorkBork's user avatar
  • 43.5k
1 vote

Lonely Multiplication

PowerShell, 97 bytes param($n)$a,$b,$c=$n|group;(($n-join'*'|iex),(($a,$b|?{$_.count-eq1}).name,1)[$a.count-eq3])[!$c] Try it online! Not terribly impressive, but given that PowerShell doesn't h …
AdmBorkBork's user avatar
  • 43.5k
5 votes

Give me Triangles

PowerShell, 36 bytes "$args"..1|%{" "*--$_+"#"*++$i;$i++} Try it online! Loops from input $args down to 1, each iteration constructing a string consisting of the appropriate number of spaces plu …
AdmBorkBork's user avatar
  • 43.5k
3 votes

Repeat every other character in string starting with second character

PowerShell, 40 38 37 bytes -join($args|% t*y|%{"$_"*(1+$i++%2)}) Try it online! Takes input $args, transforms it toCharArray, pipes that into a loop. Each iteration, we repeat the character "$_" …
AdmBorkBork's user avatar
  • 43.5k
2 votes

Shift right by half a bit

PowerShell, 67 bytes param([uint64]$n)($n/[math]::Sqrt(2)).ToString("G17")-replace'\..*' Try it online! .NET (and thus, by extension, PowerShell) doesn't have a BigDecimal, so we're limited to D …
AdmBorkBork's user avatar
  • 43.5k
1 vote

Internal Truth Machine

PowerShell, 41 bytes 0-ge1|iex -ov a for(;"$a"-match"True"){1}0 Try it online! I didn't think this would be possible in PowerShell, but then I remembered -outvariable, which is the key to making …
AdmBorkBork's user avatar
  • 43.5k
7 votes

Convert a 32 bit binary IPv4 address to its quad-dotted notation

Jelly, 10 6 bytes s8Ḅj“. Try it online! s Slice input list 8 into size 8 chunks Ḅ Convert from binary list to integer j“. Join with dots as the separator …
AdmBorkBork's user avatar
  • 43.5k
4 votes

Convert a 32 bit binary IPv4 address to its quad-dotted notation

PowerShell, 46 bytes ""+[IPAddress]"$([Convert]::ToInt64($args,2))" Try it online! First takes input $args binary string and [System.Convert]s it into Int64. Uses the .NET type call [System.Net. …
AdmBorkBork's user avatar
  • 43.5k
20 votes

Sleep for 1000 years

PowerShell, 35 32 24 21 19 bytes 1..3e4|%{sleep 1mb} Try it online! Strangely, the maximum seconds value for Start-Sleep is 2147483. No, I don't know why it's such an odd value. That works out t …
AdmBorkBork's user avatar
  • 43.5k
2 votes

Sort and Table a Sentence by Word Lengths

PowerShell, 63 53 bytes $a=@{};$args|%{$a[$_.length]+=" $_"};$a|% *or|sort N* Try it online! (-10 bytes thanks to mazzy) Takes arguments via splatting, which on TIO manifests as separate comman …
AdmBorkBork's user avatar
  • 43.5k

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