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45 votes
3 answers

Create xkcd-Style Narrative Charts

In one of the more iconic xkcd strips, Randall Munroe visualised the timelines of several films in narrative charts: (Click for larger version.) Source: xkcd No. 657. Given a specification of the ...
Martin Ender's user avatar
23 votes
10 answers

Two-Coloring Overlapping Circles

Write a program or function that takes in the following input in a reasonable format of your choice: Two positive integers W and H that define the width and height of the image you'll be generating. ...
Calvin's Hobbies's user avatar
18 votes
4 answers

Help Mr Jones to enjoy his bicycle round-trip

Mr Jones wants to do a round-trip on his bicycle. He wants to visit several cities in arbitrary order, but his route must not cross it self, since he hates to be at the same place twice in his ...
FUZxxl's user avatar
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