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31 votes
7 answers

Write a C / C++ Polyglot [closed]

This challenge's concept is pretty simple. All you have to do is write a program that will compile as both valid C and valid C++! Well, there are some catches. The program must behave differently when ...
8 votes
9 answers

Shortest C \ C++ function to generate -1, 0 ,1 [closed]

Let a function receive two integers i and j between 0 and ...
-2 votes
2 answers

Conversion to palindrome with minimal points used

Input: a word (2-100 characters) Convert this word to a palindrome: delete character - 13 points add character - 12 points increase character - 5 points ('d' > 'e') decrease character - 4 points ('n'...
14 votes
15 answers

Compare two integers in C or C++ without comparison operators

Produce the shortest program which takes two signed integers as input (through stdin or as arguments) and displays 3 different outputs depending upon whether the first number is (1) greater than, (2) ...
2 votes
2 answers

Fastest C/C++ comparison function for an opaque field containing doubles

Description: Write the fastest comparison function for an opaque field containing a double. Here is my example: ...
5 votes
4 answers

The shortest code to tell if a number is even or odd

One of my colleagues proposed us a challenge: to write the shortest C/C++ program to determine if a number is even or odd. These are the requirements: Get a number from keyboard, at run-time (not ...
12 votes
5 answers

Risk, the Warlight Way

Introduction In this game, players use their armies to fight other players' armies, capture territories, and become the last man standing. Each turn, players receive a base number of armies to use at ...
11 votes
5 answers

m3ph1st0s's programming puzzle 3 (C): “Easy bug” [closed]

This is the 3rd of my series of C/C++ puzzles; in case you missed the first 2 they are here: (1) m3ph1st0s's programming puzzle 1 (C++) (2) m3ph1st0s's programming puzzle 2 (C++): "Call ...
12 votes
1 answer

Implement an IEEE 754 64-bit binary floating point number through integer manipulation

(I've tagged the question "C" for the time being, but if you're aware of another language that supports unions, you can also use that.) Your task is to build the four standard mathematical operators <...
7 votes
7 answers

Shortest code that return SIGSEGV among the given languages [duplicate]

I come across a question in a coding competion "write a code that returns SIGSEGV(Segmentation fault ) " . Points were given on the basis of length of code. The prgramming languages available ...
5 votes
6 answers

Make FizzBuzz using only preprocessor directives

I have a source file here: #include <FizzBuzz.h> fizzbuzz And I want to make "fizzbuzz" turn into a FizzBuzz program ...
3 votes
1 answer

Flip the commented-out code [closed]

This puzzle works for any programming language that has the same // single-line and /* ... */ multi-line comments that C++, C# ...
2 votes
3 answers

m3ph1st0s's programming puzzle 4 (C/C++): “3-way swap” [closed]

My last puzzle has generated some confusion and controversy so I decided to give up, for now, on those "replace one character"-type puzzles. Hope this 4th puzzle will redeem myself after all the ...