Mathematica 100 80 unique words
Here's a start. All standard words in Mathematica begin with upper case.
this includes I
, the square root of negative 1.
On Sunday, And For All Times-- Assuming, On Opening Clear Dynamic Interactive Notebooks For Setting Contours, I Do Not Translate Missing Blue Arrays Which Span Temporary, Asynchronous, And Invisible Characters, Nor Do I Remove Undefined Arrowheads With Editable And Sound Outer Orange Roots Which Magnify Shallow Names Together With False Attributes (Because Most Axes Split Full Inner Kernels In Reverse Order)-- And While I Animate Undefined Quiet Ticks, I Begin With Tolerance And Operate On All Manual Matrices, Interleaving Circle With Cylinder, Boxed Skeleton With Compiled Cuboid, Red Cross With Nearest Timing Pattern,
And Join Repeated Unique White Links With Heads ...
In case anyone is interested, here are 500+ words recognized by Mathematica (no additional libraries required). They are not all keywords, but experienced Mathematica programers will know and have used just about all of them.
{Abort, Above, Abs, Accumulate, Accuracy, AddTo, After, Alignment,
All, Alternatives, Analytic, And, Animate, Animator, Annotation,
Annuity, Antialiasing, Antisymmetric, Apart, Appearance, Append,
Apply, Array, Arrays, Arrow, Arrowheads, Assert, Assuming,
Assumptions, Asynchronous, Attributes, Automatic, Axes, Axis, Back,
Background, Backslash, Backward, Band, Baseline, Because, Beep,
Before, Begin, Below, Binarize, Binomial, Blank, Blend, Block, Blur,
Bookmarks, Booleans, Bottom, Bounds, Boxed, Break, Button, Byte,
Cancel, Cap, Cases, Cashflow, Catch, Ceiling, Cell, Cells, Censoring,
Center, Character, Characters, Check, Checkbox, Chop, Circle, Clear,
Clip, Clock, Close, Closed, Closing, Coarse, Coefficient, Collect,
Colon, Colorize, Column, Commonest, Compile, Compiled, Complement,
Complex, Compose, Composition, Compress, Condition, Cone, Congruent,
Conjunction, Connect, Constant, Constants, Context, Contexts,
Continue, Contours, Control, Convergents, Convolve, Copyable,
Correlation, Cot, Count, Covariance, Cross, Cumulant, Cup, Curl,
Cycles, Cylinder, Darker, Date, Debug, Decrement, Default, Defer,
[Degree], Deinitialization, Deletable, Delimiter, Delimiters,
Denominator, Deploy, Deployed, Depth, Derivative, Diagonal, Dialog,
Diamond, Differences, Dilation, Dimensions, Direction, Directive,
Disjunction, Disk, Dispatch, Display, Distribute, Distributed,
Dithering, Divide, Dividers, Divisible, Divisors, Do, Dot, Down,
Drop, Dynamic, Editable, Eigenvalues, Element, Eliminate, Empty,
Enabled, Encode, End, Enter, Epilog, Equal, Equivalent, Evaluator,
Except, Exists, Exit, Expand, Expectation, Exponent, Export,
Expression, Extract, Factor, Factorial, Fail, False, File, Filling,
Find, First, Fit, Flat, Flatten, Floor, Fold, Font, For, Forward,
Frame, Front, Full, Function, Gather, General, Generic, Get, Graph,
Graphics, Greater, Grid, Hash, Head, Heads, Histogram, Hold, Hue,
Hyperlink, Hyphenation, I, Identity, If, Image, Implies, In,
Increment, Inherited, Inner, Input, Insert, Inset, Install, Integer,
Integers, Integral, Integrate, Interactive, Interleaving, Interval,
Invisible, Item, Join, Joined, Kernels, Label, Labeled, Large,
Larger, Last, Latitude, Launch, Left, Legended, Length, Less, Level,
Lighting, Limit, Line, Links, List, Listable, Listen, Literal,
Locked, Log, Longest, Longitude, Magnification, Magnify, Majority,
Manipulate, Manual, Map, Masking, Material, Matrices, Maximize, Mean,
Median, Medium, Menu, Mesh, Message, Messages, Method, Minimize,
Minors, Missing, Modal, Mode, Modular, Module, Modulus, Moment,
Monday, Monitor, Most, Mouseover, Multinomial, Multiplicity,
Multiselection, Names, Nearest, Needs, Negative, Nest, Next, None,
Nor, Norm, Normal, Normalize, Not, Notebook, Notebooks, Null, Number,
Numerator, Off, Offset, On, Opacity, Open, Opening, Operate,
Optional, Options, Or, Order, Ordering, Orderless, Orthogonalize,
Out, Outer, Over, Overflow, Paclet, Pane, Panel, Paneled,
Parallelize, Parameter, Parenthesize, Part, Partition, Paste, Path,
Pattern, Pause, Permutations, Permute, Perpendicular, [Pi],
Piecewise, Pivoting, Placed, Placeholder, Plain, Play, Plot, Plus,
Point, Polygon, Polynomials, Position, Positive, Power, Precedence,
Precedes, Precision, Prefix, Prepend, Previous, Print, Probability,
Projection, Prolog, Properties, Property, Proportion, Protect,
Protected, Pruning, Put, Pyramid, Quantile, Quantity, Quartics,
Quartiles, Queueing, Quiet, Quit, Quotient, Radon, Random, Range, Raster, Rasterize, Rational, Rationals, Read, Real, Reap, Record,
Rectangle, Reduce, Refine, Refresh, Reinstall, Release, Remove,
Removed, Repeated, Replace, Resampling, Rescale, Residue, Resolve,
Rest, Return, Reverse, Riffle, Right, Root, Roots, Rotate, Round,
Row, Rule, Saturday, Save, Saveable, Scale, Scaled, Scan, Scrollbars,
Select, Selection, Sequence, Series, Set, Setbacks, Setter, Setting,
Shading, Shallow, Share, Sharpen, Short, Show, Sidebar, Sign,
Signature, Simplify, Skeleton, Skip, Slot, Smaller, Socket, Solve,
Sound, Sow, Spacer, Spacings, Span, Speak, Sphere, Splice, Split,
Square, Stack, Star, Streams, String, Stub, Subfactorial, Subgraph,
Subscripted, Subset, Subtract, Sum, Superset, Surd, Syntax, Table,
Take, Tally, Temporary, Text, Texture, Therefore, Thread, Threshold,
Through, Ticks, Times, Timing, Together, Toggle, Toggler, Tolerance,
Tooltip, Top, Total, Trace, Tracers, Translate, Transpose, True,
Tube, Tuples, Undefined, Underlined, Underscript, Unequal, Uninstall,
Union, Unique, Unitize, Unset, Up, Variables, Vertical, Wedge,
Weights, Which, While, Whitespace, With, Word, Write}
language. \$\endgroup\$