In case anyone is interested, here are 500+ words recognized by Mathematica (no additional libraries required). (Just ignore the backslashes.) TheyThey are not all keywords, but experienced Mathematica programers will know and have used just about all of them.
{Abort, Above, Abs, Accumulate, Accuracy, AddTo, After, Alignment,
All, Alternatives, Analytic, And, Animate, Animator, Annotation,
Annuity, Antialiasing, Antisymmetric, Apart, Appearance, Append,
Apply, Array, Arrays, Arrow, Arrowheads, Assert, Assuming,
Assumptions, Asynchronous, Attributes, Automatic, Axes, Axis, Back,
Background, Backslash, Backward, Band, Baseline, Because, Beep,
Before, Begin, Below, Binarize, Binomial, Blank, Blend, Block, Blur,
Bookmarks, Booleans, Bottom, Bounds, Boxed, Bra, Break, Button, Byte,
Cancel, Cap, Cases, Cashflow, Catch, Ceiling, Cell, Cells, Censoring,
Center, Character, Characters, Check, Checkbox, Chop, Circle, Clear,
Clip, Clock, Close, Closed, Closing, Coarse, Coefficient, Collect,
Colon, Colorize, Column, Commonest, Compile, Compiled, Complement,
Complex, Compose, Composition, Compress, Condition, Cone, Congruent,
Conjunction, Connect, Constant, Constants, Context, Contexts,
Continue, Contours, Control, Convergents, Convolve, Copyable,
Correlation, Cot, Count, Covariance, Cross, Cumulant, Cup, Curl,
Cycles, Cylinder, Darker, Date, Debug, Decrement, Default, Defer,
[Degree], Deinitialization, Deletable, Delimiter, Delimiters,
Denominator, Deploy, Deployed, Depth, Derivative, Diagonal, Dialog,
Diamond, Differences, Dilation, Dimensions, Direction, Directive,
Disjunction, Disk, Dispatch, Display, Distribute, Distributed,
Dithering, Divide, Dividers, Divisible, Divisors, Do, Dot, Down,
Drop, Dynamic, Editable, Eigenvalues, Element, Eliminate, Empty,
Enabled, Encode, End, Enter, Epilog, Equal, Equivalent, Evaluator,
Except, Exists, Exit, Expand, Expectation, Exponent, Export,
Expression, Extract, Factor, Factorial, Fail, False, File, Filling,
Find, First, Fit, Flat, Flatten, Floor, Fold, Font, For, Forward,
Frame, Front, Full, Function, Gather, General, Generic, Get, Graph,
Graphics, Greater, Grid, Hash, Head, Heads, Histogram, Hold, Hue,
Hyperlink, Hyphenation, I, Identity, If, Image, Implies, In,
Increment, Inherited, Inner, Input, Insert, Inset, Install, Integer,
Integers, Integral, Integrate, Interactive, Interleaving, Interval,
Invisible, Item, Join, Joined, Kernels, Label, Labeled, Large,
Larger, Last, Latitude, Launch, Left, Legended, Length, Less, Level,
Lighting, Limit, Line, Links, List, Listable, Listen, Literal,
Locked, Log, Longest, Longitude, Magnification, Magnify, Majority,
Manipulate, Manual, Map, Masking, Material, Matrices, Maximize, Mean,
Median, Medium, Menu, Mesh, Message, Messages, Method, Minimize,
Minors, Missing, Modal, Mode, Modular, Module, Modulus, Moment,
Monday, Monitor, Most, Mouseover, Multinomial, Multiplicity,
Multiselection, Names, Nearest, Needs, Negative, Nest, Next, None,
Nor, Norm, Normal, Normalize, Not, Notebook, Notebooks, Null, Number,
Numerator, Off, Offset, On, Opacity, Open, Opening, Operate,
Optional, Options, Or, Order, Ordering, Orderless, Orthogonalize,
Out, Outer, Over, Overflow, Paclet, Pane, Panel, Paneled,
Parallelize, Parameter, Parenthesize, Part, Partition, Paste, Path,
Pattern, Pause, Permutations, Permute, Perpendicular, [Pi],
Piecewise, Pivoting, Placed, Placeholder, Plain, Play, Plot, Plus,
Point, Polygon, Polynomials, Position, Positive, Power, Precedence,
Precedes, Precision, Prefix, Prepend, Previous, Print, Probability,
Projection, Prolog, Properties, Property, Proportion, Protect,
Protected, Pruning, Put, Pyramid, Quantile, Quantity, Quartics,
Quartiles, Queueing, Quiet, Quit, Quotient, Radon, Random, Range, Raster, Rasterize, Rational, Rationals, Read, Real, Reap, Record,
Rectangle, Reduce, Refine, Refresh, Reinstall, Release, Remove,
Removed, Repeated, Replace, Resampling, Rescale, Residue, Resolve,
Rest, Return, Reverse, Riffle, Right, Root, Roots, Rotate, Round,
Row, Rule, Saturday, Save, Saveable, Scale, Scaled, Scan, Scrollbars,
Select, Selection, Sequence, Series, Set, Setbacks, Setter, Setting,
Shading, Shallow, Share, Sharpen, Short, Show, Sidebar, Sign,
Signature, Simplify, Skeleton, Skip, Slot, Smaller, Socket, Solve,
Sound, Sow, Spacer, Spacings, Span, Speak, Sphere, Splice, Split,
Square, Stack, Star, Streams, String, Stub, Subfactorial, Subgraph,
Subscripted, Subset, Subtract, Sum, Superset, Surd, Syntax, Table,
Take, Tally, Temporary, Text, Texture, Therefore, Thread, Threshold,
Through, Ticks, Times, Timing, Together, Toggle, Toggler, Tolerance,
Tooltip, Top, Total, Trace, Tracers, Translate, Transpose, True,
Tube, Tuples, Undefined, Underlined, Underscript, Unequal, Uninstall,
Union, Unique, Unitize, Unset, Up, Variables, Vertical, Wedge,
Weights, Which, While, Whitespace, With, Word, Write}