Javascript (using external library) (235 bytes)
Jeez this was hard! library wasn't really the right task for this haha. But I liked the challenge
(x,y)=>{r=x-1;s=y-1;m=Math.max(r,s);n=Math.min(r,s);l=_.RangeDown(s,y).WriteLine(z=>_.Range(0,x).Write("",w=>z==0&&w==0?"X":(z==w||(z==s&&w>=n)||(w==r&&z>=n))?"#":"."));return l+"\r\nMove count: "+(l.length-l.split("#").join("").length)}
Link to lib:
Code explanation: Create function of 2 variables. Store x-1 and y-1 into variables. Store max and min of those into variables. Create a vertically descending range of numbers from (y-1) for a count of y. For each element on the vertical range, write a line for the current element, according to the complex predicate. That predicate creates an ascending range of integers from 0, for a count of x. For each element in that range, concatenate into 1 string according to a complex predicate. That predicate checks if on bottom left, else checks if on diagonal, else checks we're at X or Y border. Finally, all of that was stored in a variable. Then to get the move count, we basically just count the #'s. Then concatenate that to the stored variable, and return the result
That was a mouthful haha. The screenshot has the wrong bytecount because I found a way to save 4 bytes while posting this
EDIT: I see other answers aren't putting "Move count: " in their output, but mine is. If that isn't a requirement, that shaves a bunch of bytes...