Bonjour, PPCG ! Quelle heure est-il ? This means what time is it in French, for that is exactly what this challenge is about.
Telling time in French (at least formally) is a bit different from telling time in English. Telling the time starts out with Il est (It is). Then, you put the hour followed by heures (o'clock). (In case you don't know French numbers, here's a list: If it is 1 o'clock, do une heure for this. For noon, use midi (with no heures), and for midnight use minuit.
Unless the minutes is 00, you then follow it with the number of minutes. There are a few exceptions to this however. For 15 minutes, you want to say et quart, and for 30 minutes you want to say et demi. For anything after 30 minutes, you increase the hour number by one, then add the word moins and 60 - the minutes. So 6:40 P.M is Il est sept heures moins vingt (vingt = 20). 45 minutes would be moins le quart.
Finally, you end it with the time of day. For the morning (1 A.M to 12 P.M), you say du matin. For the afternoon (subjective, but I'll define it as 1 P.M to 5 P.M), you say de l'apres-midi (technically there should be an accent above the e, but eh). And for night (5 P.M to 12 A.M) you say du soir. Note that for midnight and noon (minuit and midi) you don't put any of these afterwards -- the time of day is implied based on which one you use.
As you've probably already ascertained, the challenge here is to print out the current local time in French using these rules. Here's what sample output should look like at assorted times. (The time in the parenthesis does not have to be printed obviously, it's just there so you know what times are):
Il est sept heures du matin. (7:00 A.M)
Il est deux heures de l'apres-midi. (2:00 P.M)
Il est une heure du matin. (1:00 A.M)
Il est huit heures du soir. (8:00 P.M)
Il est midi. (12:00 P.M, Noon)
Il est minuit. (12:00 A.M, Midnight)
Il est cinq heures vingt du soir. (5:20 P.M)
Il est six heures et quart du matin. (6:15 A.M)
Il est neuf heures et demi du matin. (9:30 A.M)
Il est quatre heures moins dix de l'apres-midi. (3:50 P.M, not 4:50!)
Il est midi moins le quart. (11:45 A.M)
This is code-golf, so shortest code wins. Good luck!
EDIT: The period is required.
Il est huit heures quarante et une du matin
(correct) orIl est neuf heures moins dix-neuf du matin
(sounds strange)? \$\endgroup\$après-midi
? Can we? \$\endgroup\$