Axiom, 160 bytes
p(a)==(#a=0=>[[]];r:=[[a.1]];r:=delete(r,1);n:=#a;m:=factorial n;m>1.E7=>r;b:=permutations n;for j in 1..m repeat(x:=b.j;r:=concat([a.(x.i)for i in 1..n],r));r)
--Permutation of a
r:=[[a.1]]; r:=delete(r,1) -- r has the type List List typeof(a)
m:=factorial n
b:=permutations(n) --one built in for permutation indices
for j in 1..m repeat
r:=concat([a.(x.i) for i in 1..n],r)
All this call one library function that give permutation on index (only integers as permutation as permutations on [1], permutations on [1,2], permutations on[1,2,3] etc).So it is enough get these set of indices and build the lists; One has to note that this seems to be compiled good for every List of type X
(4) -> p([1,2,3])
Compiling function p with type List PositiveInteger -> List List
(4) [[1,2,3],[1,3,2],[3,1,2],[2,1,3],[2,3,1],[3,2,1]]
Type: List List PositiveInteger
(5) -> p([x^2,y*x,y^2])
Compiling function p with type List Polynomial Integer -> List List
Polynomial Integer
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
[[x ,x y,y ],[x ,y ,x y],[y ,x ,x y],[x y,x ,y ],[x y,y ,x ],[y ,x y,x ]]
Type: List List Polynomial Integer
(6) -> p([sin(x),log(y)])
Compiling function p with type List Expression Integer -> List List
Expression Integer
(6) [[sin(x),log(y)],[log(y),sin(x)]]
Type: List List Expression Integer
(7) -> m:=p("abc")::List List Character
Compiling function p with type String -> Any
(7) [[a,b,c],[a,c,b],[c,a,b],[b,a,c],[b,c,a],[c,b,a]]
Type: List List Character
(8) -> [concat(map(x+->x::String, m.j)) for j in 1..#m]
(8) ["abc","acb","cab","bac","bca","cba"]
Type: List String