The number 113
is the first prime whose length 3
is prime, digital sum 5 = 1 + 1 + 3
is prime, and digital product 3 = 1 * 1 * 3
is prime.
A prime that has these 3 properties will be called supremely prime. The primes 11117
and 1111151
are other examples.
Write a program that can find the largest supremely prime number possible in less than an hour on a decent modern personal computer (such as the preferred spec here).
You should not simply give us a large supreme prime. You need to show us your search process with code that actually works. You can build on your or other people's solutions but be sure to give them credit. We're kind of communally trying to find the largest supreme prime realizable on a normal computer in an hour.
The submission that finds the largest supreme prime wins. If it turns out that there are finitely many supreme primes then the first submission that generates the highest supreme prime wins.
(If you can mathematically prove that either there are or aren't infinitely many supreme primes I'll give you 200 bounty rep just because. :) )
You may use any source to generate your primes (e.g. internet).
You may use probabilistic prime testing methods.
Everything is in base 10.
Zero and one are NOT considered prime.
Primes that contain
have a digital product of0
so obviously they can't be supreme.To keep the page less cluttered put large (100+ digit) supreme primes in the form:
{[number of 1's before the prime digit]}[prime digit]{[number of 1's after the prime digit]}
could be expressed as{5}5{1}