Write a function/program which takes \$n\$ as a parameter/input and prints/returns the number of topologies (which is demonstrated below) on the set \$\{1,2,...,n\}\$.
Definition of Topology
Let \$X\$ be any finite set, and assume that \$T\$, which is subset of the power set of \$X\$ (i.e. a set containing subsets of \$X\$), satisfy these conditions:
\$X\$ and \$\emptyset\$ are in \$T\$.
If \$U, V\$ are in \$T\$, then the union of those two sets is in \$T\$.
If \$U, V\$ are in \$T\$, then the intersection of those two sets is in \$T\$.
...then \$T\$ is called the topology on \$X\$.
- Your program is either:
- a function which takes \$n\$ as a parameter
- or a program which inputs \$n\$
and prints or returns the number of (distinct) topologies on the set \$\{1,2,...,n\}\$.
\$n\$ is any non-negative integer which is less than \$11\$ (of course there's no problem if your program handles n bigger than \$11\$), and the output is a positive integer.
Your program should not use any kinds of library functions or native functions which calculates the number of topology directly.
Example input (value of n) : 7
Example output/return : 9535241
You may check your return value at here or here.
Of course, shortest code wins.
The winner is decided, however, I may change the winner if shorter code appears..