I've figured out all the secret phrases, but I won't post them here. Run the code if you care.
The code works by picking a space character, enumerating all possible substitutions for each word, then searching for compatible substitutions. It also allows for some out-of-lexicon words to deal with misspellings in the cleartext :)
I used a large lexicon (~500K words) from
import sys,re
# get input
message = sys.argv[1]
# read in lexicon of words
# download scowl version 7.1
# mk-list english 95 > wordlist
lexicon = set()
roman_only = re.compile('^[A-Z]*$')
for word in open('wordlist').read().upper().split():
if roman_only.match(word): lexicon.add(word)
for c in message: histogram[c]=0
for c in message: histogram[c]+=1
frequency_order = map(lambda x:x[1], sorted([(f,c) for c,f in histogram.items()])[::-1])
# returns true if the two maps are compatible.
# they are compatible if the mappings agree wherever they are defined,
# and no two different args map to the same value.
def mergeable_maps(map1, map2):
agreements = 0
for c in map1:
if c in map2:
if map1[c] != map2[c]: return False
agreements += 1
return len(set(map1.values() + map2.values())) == len(map1) + len(map2) - agreements
def merge_maps(map1, map2):
m = {}
for (c,d) in map1.items(): m[c]=d
for (c,d) in map2.items(): m[c]=d
return m
def search(map, word_maps, outside_lexicon_allowance, words_outside_lexicon):
cleartext = ''.join(map[x] if x in map else '?' for x in message)
#print 'trying', cleartext
# pick a word to try next
best_word = None
best_score = 1e9
for (word,subs) in word_maps.items():
if word in words_outside_lexicon: continue
for sub in subs:
if mergeable_maps(map, sub): compatible_subs += 1
unassigned_chars = 0
for c in word:
if c not in map: unassigned_chars += 1 #TODO: duplicates?
if compatible_subs == 0: score = 0
elif unassigned_chars == 0: score = 1e9
else: score = 1.0 * compatible_subs / unassigned_chars # TODO: tweak?
if score < best_score:
best_score = score
best_word = word
if not best_word: # no words with unset characters, except possibly the outside lexicon ones
print cleartext,[''.join(map[x] if x in map else '?' for x in word) for word in words_outside_lexicon]
return True
# use all compatible maps for the chosen word
r = False
for sub in word_maps[best_word]:
if not mergeable_maps(map, sub): continue
r |= search(merge_maps(map, sub), word_maps, outside_lexicon_allowance, words_outside_lexicon)
# maybe this word is outside our lexicon
if outside_lexicon_allowance > 0:
r |= search(map, word_maps, outside_lexicon_allowance - 1, words_outside_lexicon + [best_word])
return r
for outside_lexicon_allowance in xrange(3):
# assign the space character first
for space in frequency_order:
words = [w for w in message.split(space) if w != '']
if reduce(lambda x,y:x|y, [len(w)>20 for w in words]): continue # obviously bad spaces
# find all valid substitution maps for each word
for word in words:
n = len(word)
maps = []
for c in lexicon:
if len(c) != n: continue
m = {}
ok = 1
for i in xrange(n):
if word[i] in m: # repeat letter
if m[word[i]] != c[i]: ok=0; break # repeat letters map to same thing
elif c[i] in m.values(): ok=0; break # different letters map to different things
else: m[word[i]]=c[i]
if ok: maps.append(m);
# look for a solution
if search({space:' '}, word_maps, outside_lexicon_allowance, []): sys.exit(0)
print 'I give up.'