Python, 740 characters (665 characters compressed)
G=lambda:[[0]*4for _ in R(4)]
def M(P,d):
while 1:
N=[r[:]for r in P]
for x in R(*J[g]):
for y in R(*J[z]):
s=N[y][x];q,w=y-W,x-Q;d=N[q][w];a,b,c=(((0,s,d),(1,0,s+d))[s==d],(0,0,s or d))[s<1 or d<1];
if 2-a-(C[y][x]+C[q][w]>0):N[y][x]=b;N[q][w]=c;C[q][w]+=a
if N==P:break
return N
def F(N):
for x in R(4):
for y in R(4):
if N[y][x]==0:N[y][x]=2;return N
def Z(P,i):
X=[d for d in R(4)if M(P,d)!=P]
return i==0and(sum((256,c)[c>0] for v in P for c in v)+P[3][3]*10+P[3][2]*9,-1)or max((Z(F(M(P,d)),i-1)[0],d)for d in X)if X else(-1,-1)
while B[3][3]!=2048:_,X=Z(B,4);h+=`X`;B=F(M(B,X))
print h
(Mixes tabs with spaces for indentation to save a few bytes)
I must have sucked at golfing it because if I just compress the above code, base-64 encode it, and exec
it, it's only 665 characters. The following is exactly equivalent to the above, no hard-coded solution or anything:
Takes ~47 seconds (17 seconds ungolfed) to find the 1111-move sequence:
With the following final board position and move:
4 2 16 4
2 8 128 8
2 . . 1024
. . . 1024
Best move: s, with EV=25654
Trivia: the solution is 309 bytes gzipped and 418 bytes if gzipped and base64-encoded. Thus it would be a shorter program to just decode that and print it out, but that is no fun at all.
Here's a pastebin of the ungolfed version which prints out the board after each move, very fun to watch!
It's a very simple brute-force AI. It assigns an EV for each board position:
ev = 256 * number of spaces
+ sum_of_values
+ 10 * board_bottom_right
+ 9 * board_bottom_2nd_right
It does a depth-first search four moves ahead and picks the path that leads to the highest EV in four moves. The ev function encourages it to clean up the board and to keep the highest-valued pieces in the corner, which ends up being pretty optimal. It's enough to get it there!
If you modify the EV function to place a higher value on other board spots, something like:
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 1 9 10
1 9 10 11
That function gets it as far as:
2 8 4 2
16 32 64 16
64 128 512 1024
2 256 2048 8192
Eureka! With a 5-step lookahead instead of a 4, and the following weights:
1 1 4 4
1 1 4 10
1 1 14 16
1 16 18 20
It almost almost gets 32k, ending on:
2 128 4 2
64 256 512 4
4 128 1024 4096
16 2048 8192 16384
The sequence is here.
Yes ladies and gentlemen, we have hit the 32k mark. The EV function, instead of multiplying squares by a constant, raises each square to the following powers and adds them. x
means the square isn't involved:
x x x 3
x x x 4
x x 5 6
x 6 7 8
It still sums all the values once and adds 256 for each empty square. Lookahead was 4 all the way up to 32k, and then it bumped up to 5, but it doesn't really seem to do much. End board:
2 128 8 2
64 256 512 4
4 128 1024 2048
16 4096 8192 32768
Pastebin of the 24,625-move sequence.
$(".tile-container").addItem("<div class="tile tile-2048 tile-position-3-4">2048</div>");