You have to make a golf game with the following specification :-
The field is 10 X 10 characters without spaces.
Free ground is represented by
A hole generated at random(not at
) is shown byO
(its alphabet and not zero).The ball starts at
represented byX
.You can hit the ball with input
d 4
(meaning direction to the bottom with magnitude of 4 characters after the ball more like vectors in physics).Example:
X......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .........O score : 0 b 4
But, since you are not so good at golfing therefore the force you think is applied is often only close to the actual force that is applied !(if
the offset in force then -2 < X < +2)you should have to tell the real force applied and display the ball moved to that real force like this :-
lets say the ball actually moved by 3. .......... .......... .......... X......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .........O score : 1 applied force : 4 real force : 3
The four directions are
U (up), D (down), l (left), r (right)
and magnitude of force should be between 0 and 10 (excluding both 0 and 10).The ball should not bounce off the edges, if the force reaches that much then the the ball stops at the last point at the boundary.
r 9 .......... .......... .......... .........X .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .........O score : 2 applied force : 9 real force : 11
In the end when the game is finished you have to display
Par in <n> shots!
(where n is score)
- You have to design a working program showing the exact output.
- post the code in
versions. - also post a successful test run (images if possible).
- No use of functions or languages excessively specialized to this task (I don't know if they really exist!)
Winner will be chosen 1 week from now. Winner is the submission with least characters.
And, most important thing
Best of luck :)
D 1
) and not move it at all (X=-1
). Most of the spec is intelligible, but you haven't said what to do if a) the intended stroke would place the ball out of bounds; b) the intended stroke wouldn't, but withX
taken into account it would. \$\endgroup\$