An "Egyptian fraction" is a list of distinct fractions with a numerator of \$1\$. For example:
\$ \frac 1 1+ \frac 1 2 + \frac 1 3 + \frac 1 6 \$
The "size" of an Egyptian fraction is just the number of terms involved.
Your task is to take a positive integer \$n\$ and output the smallest Egyptian fraction that sums to \$n\$. In the case of ties (there are ties) you may output any of the tied fractions.
Since the numerator is always 1 you may output your answer as a list of denominators instead.
This is code-golf so the goal is to minimize the size of your source code within the bounds of your chosen language and algorithm with answers being scored in bytes.
Fast answers are encouraged but must take steps to achieve the goal such as removing unnecessary whitespace or giving the variables short names. Feel free to include (fast) in your answer title along with the language and byte count if you do give it a go for speed.
While our default precision is that the algorithm needs to be theoretically correct, if you try to do this challenge with floating point numbers you will get results that are wrong almost immediately. It's also not at all difficult to solve this challenge using only integers. For this reason in addition to being theoretically correct answers must also give correct calculations for \$n < 4\$.
As an additional clarification theoretically correct means that you cannot for example assume some arbitrary bound on the size of the denominator to restrict your search space. Any bounds used to restrict the search space must be theoretically justified.
Test cases
The sizes for the first 3 solutions next to a potential output are:
\$ 1, \frac 1 1\\ 4, \frac 1 1+ \frac 1 2 + \frac 1 3 + \frac 1 6 \\ 13, \frac 1 1+\frac 1 2+\frac 1 3+\frac 1 4+\frac 1 5+\frac 1 6+\frac 1 7+\frac 1 8+\frac 1 9+\frac 1{15}+\frac 1{18}+\frac 1{40}+\frac 1{42} \\ \$
The first two I have calculated and verified by hand. The third one was verified by a computer program that ran for about 5 seconds. Since the search space is infinite, I am not 100% sure that my program doesn't miss some potential solution. But I have hand verified that there are no solutions up to 11. And I do have a solution of size 13.
My program doesn't find a solution for 4 in a reasonable amount of time but it is easy to check that the answer is at least 31 terms long, and my program confirms that it is at least 32 terms long.