lambda x:eval(sum(r()for _ in"X"*4**900).to_bytes(225,"big")[:99])
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-2 bytes thanks to @l4m2
is the random function. Its probability of outputting one encodes a 99-byte code snippet, which is evaluated. This code snippet can then read much more data from the randomness, and basically you can encode any program you want into the randomness stream.
Here is a practical demonstration
Example (less than) 99-byte snippet:
eval((sum(r()for _ in"X"*2**88001)>>80000).to_bytes(1000,"big")[99:])
As you can see, there is no limit to what kind of code we can run
To actually solve the busy beaver problem, the rest of the randomness is dedicated to just storing the answers to the question (that is, the busy beaver numbers).
The probability of failure depends on the first calculation. I think it succeeds with more than 2/3 probability, but i could be wrong. I'll check and add a proof later. Nevertheless, if it fails the criteria, this only results in some adjusting to the magic constants.
For the encoding of the busy beaver numbers, we first use the following encoding (I'm using a list of primes as an example)
Is converted into
Finally, in order to account for the table-maker's dilemma, we replace1
with 10
and 0
with 01
, resulting in
Then we execute the following code:
def get_raw_bit(p):
# A lot of tries
tries = 2**(2**p)
hits = sum(r() for _ in range(2**tries))
hits >> (tries - p)
def get_bit(p):
code_len = 1000
get_bit(code_len + 2*p)
pos = 0
p = -1
while pos < x:
count = 0
while get_bit(p:=p + 1):
count+= 1
use a busy beaver number to give an upper bound for time before halting, then simulate, and decide if the program halts. By doing the busy beaver calculation in parallel multiple times, we can make the chance of failure arbitrarily small. The fact that the calculation might not halt doesn't matter, since we can just wait for half of the calculations to terminate. \$\endgroup\$