Your goal is to find the furthest point on a graph (from a provided start node). Your code doesn't need to handle cycles in the graph properly, but it might pose a fun challenge. For this question, you can assume the graph is actually a tree.
Input data
Input can be provided in any suitable format for the language. It can be provided either as an adjacency matrix, a list of edges, or an adjacency list. The input data can be directed or undirected as wanted by the program. The program needs to know the starting node - this can be provided in the input data if the program doesn't calculate it.
Output format
The program must output to stdout, in a human readable format, a list of nodes, starting from the root and leading to the furthest node. If you prefer, this order may be reversed. Your program must be consistent wrt to the ordering.
Edge cases
If there are multiple longest paths, only return one. If there is a cycle, or the graph has disconnected components, your code may crash or return a valid or invalid output.
All graph related libraries, including built-in language features, are not permitted.
Test case
{0: (1, 2, 3), 1: (), 2: (4, 5), 3: (6,), 4: (7,), 5: (), 6: (8,), 7: (9,), 8: (), 9: ()}
The zero on the second line is the starting node. This could be inferred from the adjacency list, but I've included it in the test data anyway, to be clear.
[0, 2, 4, 7, 9]
Shortest code wins.