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Try it reversed!
This works for any inputs that don't contain null bytes.
Wow, I've reached the point where I'm writing these by hand...
The full program is |>I|I<|
| Reverse the entire stack down to the EOF marker -1 (since there are no zeros in the input).
> Move one stack over to the right (which only contains zeros).
I Does nothing on zero.
| Does nothing on zero.
I Does nothing on zero.
< Move back to the initial stack.
| Reverse the input once more.
As in the solution to the previous challenge, since the centre command |
does nothing, so does the entire program.
The reversed program is then |I>|<I|
| Reverse the entire stack down to the EOF marker -1 (since there are no zeros in the input).
I Move the -1 one stack to the left and turn it into a +1.
> Move back to the initial stack.
| Reverse it again, but this time without the EOF marker.
< Move back to the left.
I Move the +1 back onto the initial stack and turn it into a -1 again.
| Reverse the entire stack. We now have the -1 as an EOF marker again at the bottom
and the rest of the stack has been reversed three times, i.e. one net reversal.
Interestingly, if we use this reversing program without -m
we still get a working solution this time, so the only additional bytes incurred by omitting -m
are those we get from mirroring the code.
Try it online!
Try it reversed!
The reversed version of this program is |I>|<I|
, the same as above so we can ignore that. But the non-reversed version differs. Since the <>
now point the other way, the centre command ends up doing nothing, so the program becomes a cat:
| Reverse the entire stack down to the EOF marker -1 (since there are no zeros in the input).
I Move the -1 one stack to the left and turn it into a +1.
< Move another stack to the left, which contains only zeros.
| Does nothing on zero.
And thus, >I|
exactly undo the first half of the program.