There are 9 main types of numbers, if you categorise them by the properties of their factors. Many numbers fall into at least one of these categories, but a few don't. The categories are as follows:
- Prime - no integer divisors other than itself and one
- Primitive abundant - A number \$n\$ whose factors (excluding \$n\$) sum to more than \$n\$, but for any factor \$f\$ of \$n\$, the sum of the factors of \$f\$ sum to less than \$f\$
- Highly abundant - A number \$n\$ whose factors (including \$n\$) sum to more than that of any previous number
- Superabundant - A number \$n\$, such that the sum of the factors of \$n\$ (including \$n\$) divided by \$n\$ is greater than the sum of factors of \$g\$ over \$g\$ for any value \$0<g<n\$
- Highly composite - A number \$n\$ which has more factors than \$g\$, where \$g\$ is any number such that \$0<g<n\$
- Largely composite - same as highly composite, but \$n\$ can have also have equally as many factors as \$g\$
- Perfect - A number that is exactly equal to the sum of its factors (excluding itself)
- Semiperfect - A number that can be made by summing up two or more of its factors (excluding itself)
- Weird - A number \$n\$ that is not semiperfect, but which's divisors sum to more than \$n\$.
A so-called 'boring number' is any positive, non-zero integer which does not fit into any of these categories.
Your job is to create the shortest possible program which can, given a positive number \$n\$, outputs the \$n\$th boring number.
Note: I am aware there are more categories, but I wanted to avoid using mutually exclusive ones (such as deficient and abundant), because then every number would fall into one of them.
- Standard loopholes apply; standard I/O methods apply.
- All inputs will be positive, non-zero integers, a single output is expected.
can be 0- or 1- indexed.- This is code-golf, so shortest answer in bytes wins.
The first 20 boring number are:
9, 14, 15, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 44, 45, 46, 49, 50
1+2+4+8+16 = 31 > 28 = 1+2+3+4+6+12