PHP, 115 characters:
<? $f=fopen("/tmp/int.txt","w");for($i=$t=0;$i<2.4e7;$i++,$t++){if($t>1e4){fputs($f,$a);$t=0;}$a.=$i;}fputs($f,$a);
Outputs at least 1,024,000,00 characters to /tmp/int.txt.
File size (after running):
Output to Screen, 76 characters
<? for($i=$t=0;$i<2.4e7;$i++,$t++){if($t>1e4){echo $a;$t=0;}$a.=$i;}echo $a;
Has the ability to output 208, 896, 814, 305 characters, tested but unconfirmed through the output. You can confirm it by only calculating the length of the output through the second link. Each page may require a few refreshes due to errors.
Output: (Will crash the page eventually)
Both the file size verification and the length verification take less than a minute on my old laptop, the output verification crashes the brower ~20 seconds into loading. The question did not state that the script had to work via command line, so I would not expect it to give perfect results when run that way.
what is the highest number with 100 bytes of code
, or enforce a minimum numbergenerate a number, at least 9^1000) as pure digits with as few code as you can
. Searching for minimum and maximum the same time would need a conversion function, how to judge on smaller numbers generated with less code, since you cannot ensure that the shortest code will generate the largest number automatically. \$\endgroup\$