
This is a code golf version of a similar question I asked on stack earlier but thought it'd be an interesting puzzle.

Given a string of length 10 which represents a base 36 number, increment it by one and return the resulting string.

This means the strings will only contain digits from 0 to 9 and letters from a to z.

Base 36 works as follows:

The right most digit is incremented, first by using 0 to 9

0000000000 > 9 iterations > 0000000009

and after that a to z is used:

000000000a > 25 iterations > 000000000z

If z needs to be incremented it loops back to zero and the digit to its left is incremented:


Further rules:

  • You may use upper case or lower case letters.
  • You may not drop leading zeros. Both input and output are strings of length 10.
  • You do not need to handle zzzzzzzzzz as input.

Test Cases:

"0000000000" -> "0000000001"
"0000000009" -> "000000000a"
"000000000z" -> "0000000010"
"123456zzzz" -> "1234570000"
"00codegolf" -> "00codegolg"
  • \$\begingroup\$ @JoKing Code-golf, cool ideas, and efficiency I guess. \$\endgroup\$
    – Jack Hales
    Commented Jul 28, 2018 at 3:08
  • 9
    \$\begingroup\$ I like the idea of implementing just the increment operation because it has the potential for strategies other than base-converting there and back. \$\endgroup\$
    – xnor
    Commented Jul 28, 2018 at 3:16
  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ Welcome to PPCG! This is a nice challenge idea, however as some comments have pointed out, some parts of the specification are unclear. For the future I recommend using our sandbox where you can get feedback on a challenge before posting it. \$\endgroup\$
    – Laikoni
    Commented Jul 28, 2018 at 10:15
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ suggest you add something like "0zzzzzzzzz" (modify the most signficant digit) as a test case. It tripped up my C solution because of an off-by-one-error. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jul 28, 2018 at 13:11
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ added an entry assuming it's ok -- a C entry already does it as well. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jul 30, 2018 at 9:58

43 Answers 43


Pyke, 11 bytes

? b!!R+bhbt

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? b         - Change default base of `base` command to 36 
            -  This is kind of clever because it modifies the list of characters 
            -  the command uses to exactly the same as it was originally, whilst
            -  forcing an overwrite from the default settings of 10. 
            -  The default setup works for base 36, you just have to specify it
            -  time when using the command.
            -  Literally `b.contents = modify(b.contents, func=lambda: noop)`
   !!       - The previous command returns `0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`
            -  So we convert it into a 1 with (not not ^) for the following command:
     R+     -     "1"+input
       b    -    base(^, 36)
        h   -   ^ + 1
         b  -  base(^, 36)
          t - ^[1:]

Could be 2 bytes shorter with the following language change: If hex mode is used, change all base_36 and base_10 usages to base_92 (which isn't really base 92 in that context anyway)


Perl 5 -F, 47 bytes

($_=/z/?0:/9/?a:++$_)&&last for reverse@F;say@F

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sed, 94 bytes


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Sed suffers a lot for having to change the characters by lookup.


Powershell, 79 78 82 bytes

+4 bytes: z and 9 inside an argument string fixed


Less golfed test script:

$f = {

$i=1                    # increment = 1
"$args"[9..0]|%{        # for chars in positions 0..9 in the argument string (in reverse order)
    $c=[char]($i+$_)    # Important! A Powershell calculates from left to right
                        # Therefore the subexpression ($i+$_) gets a value before the subexpression ($i=$_-eq122)
    $j=2*($i*$_-eq57)+  # j = 2 if the current char is '9' and previous i is 1
        ($i*=$_-eq122)  # j = 1 if the current char is 'z' and previous i is 1
                        # j = 0 othewise
                        # side effect is: i = 1 if the current char is 'z' and previous i is 1, i = 0 othewise
    $c=($c+'0a')[$j]    # get element with index j from the array
    $r=$c+$r            # accumulate the result string
$r                      # push the result to a pipe


    ,("09fizzbuzz" , "09fizzbv00")
    ,("0000000000" , "0000000001")
    ,("0000000009" , "000000000a")
    ,("000000000z" , "0000000010")
    ,("123456zzzz" , "1234570000")
    ,("00codegolf" , "00codegolg")
) | % {
    $s,$expected = $_
    $result = &$f $s
    "$($result-eq$expected): $result"


True: 09fizzBv00
True: 0000000001
True: 000000000a
True: 0000000010
True: 1234570000
True: 00codegolg

C# (.NET Core), 125 bytes

a=>{var x="";for(int i=9;;i--){var y=a[i]==90?'0':a[i]==57?'A':(char)(a[i]+1);x=y+x;a=a.Remove(i);if(y>48)break;}return a+x;}

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a => {
    var x = "";                 // initialize x
    for (int i = 9; ; i--)      // starting at 9 (length of string minus one) and decrementing i indefinitely
        var y = a[i] == 90 ?        // if the last character of a is 'Z'
            '0' :                       // y = '0'
            a[i] == 57 ?                // if the last character of a is '9'
                'A':                        // y = 'A'
                (char)(a[i] + 1);           // y = the ascii value of last character plus 1
        x = y + x;                  // prepend y to x
        a = a.Remove(i);            // remove the last character of a
        if (y > 48)                 // if y is a character other than '0',
            break;                      // break from the loop
    return a + x;               // return the remainder of a, with x appended

Vyxal r, 61 bitsv1, 7.625 bytes


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TIL a) 36β uses the alphabet 0-9a-z, b) β is type aware and c) pads one string to the length of another.


36~β      # Convert input from base 36, leaving the 36 on the stack
    ›     # Increment
     R    # and convert to base 36 using the alphabet `0-9A-Z`
      ↳   # pad left to length of input string
       ›  # and replace spaces with 0s

Japt, 9 bytes


Try it (includes all test cases)

n36ÈÄÃùTA     :Implicit input of string U
n36           :Convert from base 36
   È          :Pass through the following function and convert back
    Ä         :  Add 1
     Ã        :End function
      ùU      :Left pad with original U
        A     :  To length 10
  • \$\begingroup\$ Interesting that in this case, it's shorter to define a function than use the automatic function calling. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jun 19, 2023 at 10:38

Python 3.8 (pre-release), 96 93 84 bytes

-9 bytes thanx to xnor

lambda a:''.join(chr((n:=-~int(a,36)//36**i%36)+48+39*(n>9))for i in range(9,-1,-1))

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  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ It looks like you don't need to walrus b since you're only referring to it once: TIO \$\endgroup\$
    – xnor
    Commented Mar 3 at 9:06
  • \$\begingroup\$ You're absolutely right! Outgolfed the Python 2 answer by 4 bytes now :) \$\endgroup\$
    – movatica
    Commented Mar 3 at 9:46

Uiua, 74 44 37 34 32 characters

-2 thanks to noodle man


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Give input by putting it after the code. The part ⍜⇌i is basically indiscernible from a function in Uiua so I think this counts.

Uiua, 74 characters


For this one, i didn't know you could add 1 to characters yet. Other changes were the discovery of un join, and using one switch and some math instead of three switches.

  • \$\begingroup\$ Wish I knew about un join, that's cool \$\endgroup\$ Commented Mar 3 at 14:39
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ You can save 2 characters by changing ⟨+1|@a◌⟩=@9. to ++1×39=@9. (adding 40 to @9 gives @a) \$\endgroup\$ Commented Mar 3 at 14:56
  • \$\begingroup\$ 35 character version, which fits on one line, using do instead of recursion: ⊂⇌⊂++1×39=@9.⍢(⊙(⊂@0)◌)(=@z.°⊂):""⇌ \$\endgroup\$ Commented Mar 3 at 15:20

Jelly, 21 bytes


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Uses uppercase. TIO link allows for lower/mixed case too.


Elixir, 70 bytes

fn x->"1"<>x=Integer.to_string 1+String.to_integer("1"<>x,36),36;x end


Prepends 1 to the input, converts it to an integer in base 36, increments it, converts it to a string in base 36, and matches it to "1" <> x (reverse concatenation), then returns x.

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Mascarpone, 190 bytes

-13: followed DRY


My editing version was formatted like this:


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I like Mascarpone, because it is so extensible and self-modifying that it could in theory become a terse language given enough setup, but also isn't actually terse at all. This feels like it makes golfing interesting. I define these operations:

  • A pops a symbol and installs an operation that pushes it at a.
  • D pops a symbol and a string, turns the string into an operation and installs it at the symbol.
  • n pushes the swap and then no-op operations.
  • C pops a symbol, two operations, and another symbol. It expects the operations to be swap and no-op. If the symbols are equal, it keeps the bottom operation, otherwise, the top one. It installs a no-op at r if it is no-op or it installs the parent interpreters r operation at r if it is swap. This mess is because I fused the equality testing with the recursion orchestration code, which used to be two operations.
  • + pops a symbol and increments it in base 36.
  • f takes a string, accomplishes the task, and returns a string.

Julia, 48 bytes


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a straight-forward solution by parsing and printing in base 36. I tried with regexes and character manipulations but couldn't get it shorter than this one


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