
The goal is to make a two frame animation with ASCII art of a hammer smacking a table.

Trailing white-space is allowed and the frames need to repeat continuously. The program should iterate over both frames with a time of 0.5 seconds between frames.

Lowest byte count wins for each language!


Animation Frames:

Frame 1:
|                   |
|                   |
|                   |
         /  /
        /  /
       /  /
      /  /
     /  /
    /  /
   /  /
  /  /
 /  /
 \ /                              

                       |                           |

Frame 2:

                                       |          |
                                       |          |
                                       |          |
 --------------------------------------|          |
|                                      |          |
 --------------------------------------|          |
                                       |          |
                                       |          |
                                       |          |
                                |                                |
  • 9
    \$\begingroup\$ Welcome to the site! This sounds like a good idea, but you need to be way more specific, and spell out what the anination should be like. See other challenges in the ascii-art or animation tags for reference \$\endgroup\$
    – Luis Mendo
    Commented Mar 11, 2018 at 16:54
  • \$\begingroup\$ @LuisMendo Is This Better? \$\endgroup\$
    – user78881
    Commented Mar 11, 2018 at 17:23
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ @PythonDude29 If the answer needs to be a program/function which takes a number (say 1/2 or 0/1) and produces the appropriate frame, then you need to state so. If frame 1 needs to be displayed and then exchanged for frame 2 after a predetermined time or event, you need to state so. \$\endgroup\$
    – Adám
    Commented Mar 11, 2018 at 17:29
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ I'm not a fan of these line controllers—it is my understanding that languages like Charcoal don't operate that way. I'd refer to other ascii-art and kolmogorov-complexity questions. However, this challenge does now fall within this site's requirements (IMO), so I'm voting to reopen. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Mar 11, 2018 at 20:23
  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ Also please don't write in title case. \$\endgroup\$
    – user202729
    Commented Mar 12, 2018 at 11:33

3 Answers 3


Python 3, 337 331 319 bytes

-12 bytes thanks to Amphibological

import os,time
t,e,q,p='- \n|'
for i in range(9):l+=e*(9-i)+'/  /'+q
l+=' \\ /'+3*q+e*24+t*27+q+e*23+p+27*e+p+q
while 1:print([r,l][b]);time.sleep(.5);os.system('cls');b=~b

Try it online!

It uses 'cls', so will only work on Windows, use 'clear' for Linux with +2 bytes.

Will add a gif later.

  • \$\begingroup\$ Nice! You could change r if b else l to [r,l][b] and import os\nimport time to import os,time to save some bytes. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jul 25, 2018 at 0:11

Perl 5, 391 355 293 286 296 bytes

Whack whack whack, golfing those chars off, down to 296 b :) .5s sleep as per the question specs.

This also requires perl -E

$r="| 19|n"x 3;$p="| 10|n";$R=" 39$p"x 3;$T=" -38$p";$t=" 40-10n";$m=" -19n$r -19n 9H 8H 7H 6H 5H 4H 3H 2H 2\\ /n3 24-27n 23| 27|n";$M="$t$R$T| 38$p$T$R$t 34-30n 33| 30|n";for($m){say"\033[2J";map{s:H:/  /n:;y!n!\n!;print$1x($2?$2:1)if/(\D+)(\d*)/}(split/(.\d*)/);($m,$M)=($M,$m);select$v,$V,$v,.5;redo}


# initial vars build strings that the print will understand later
$r="| 19|n"x 3;
$p="| 10|n";
$R=" 39$p"x 3;
$T=" -38$p";
$t=" 40-10n";

# set $_ to first frame
$_=" -19n$r -19n 9H 8H 7H 6H 5H 4H 3H 2H 2\\ /n3 24-27n 23| 27|n";

# M is second frame
$M="$t$R$T| 38$p$T$R$t 34-30n 33| 30|n";

# main loop

# clear screen

# or windows, -1b
# system"cls";

# start map...

# sed replace H for /  /n
s:H:/  /n:;

# tr replace n for newline

# parens around ?: necessary due to x operator precedence
# if/regex/ prints $1 $2 times 

# map runs on char followed by a number or not

# rotate frames

# sleep for 1 second would be shorter, but perl does
# not deal with integer sleep without time::hires
# sleep 1;

# select for decimal second sleep

# do the current block again

GIF of original in action: in action

  • \$\begingroup\$ Welcome to PPCG! It's common courtesy to have a header with the language name and byte count. Hope you stick around! \$\endgroup\$
    – Jo King
    Commented Jul 24, 2018 at 6:07
  • \$\begingroup\$ Thanks, I missed adding the title the first time through. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jul 24, 2018 at 6:31

Python 3.6, 413 bytes

from os import*
from time import*
s,y=' -';b=y*19;d=b+b;f=y*10;i=y*26;g=s*9;c=s+g;h=s*26;j=s*32;a=c+g;e=a+a;p=print;k=f'\n|{a}|';t,v=system,sleep;z='cls'
while 1:
 t(z);p(f' {b} {k*3}\n {b}')
 for x in range(9):p(f'{g[x:]}/  /')
 p(f' \\ /\n {a} {i}\n {a}|{h}|');v(1);t(z);p(f' {e} {f}')
 for w in range(7):p(f' {e}|{c}|')if w!=3else p(f' {d}|{c}|\n|{e}|{c}|\n {d}|{c}|')
 p(f' {e} {f}\n {j} {i}\n {j}|{h}|');v(1)

Doesn't work on TIO, so here's a GIF:

Hammer ASCIIMation

Not the prettiest thing in the world, but I'm pretty proud of it. Suggestions on golfing it further are welcome!

P.S.: I used a 1 second delay because it looked better to me, but you can replace 1 with .5 to change that, at +2 bytes.

P.P.S: This will only work on Windows, to try on Unix, change cls to clear at +2 bytes.

  • \$\begingroup\$ That's as amazing how does it work how long did it take you \$\endgroup\$
    – user78881
    Commented Jul 20, 2018 at 21:42
  • \$\begingroup\$ @PythonDude29 thanks. It didn't take too long, maybe about 45 mins. It works mostly by substituting variables into strings with the new python f-strings. I'll post a more detailed explanation when I get a chance. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jul 20, 2018 at 21:48
  • \$\begingroup\$ Ok it's really cool \$\endgroup\$
    – user78881
    Commented Jul 20, 2018 at 21:49
  • \$\begingroup\$ @PythonDude29 thanks. I really appreciate it! \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jul 20, 2018 at 21:50

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