This is cops-and-robbers. This is the Cops thread. For the robbers thread, go here.
I've noticed a number of OEIS (On-line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences) challenges since I joined the site. It seems only fair that we have a cops-and-robbers challenge that determines who is the master of online integer sequences, once and for all.
Edit: In order to prevent trivial answers, cops lose 1/2 point for each submission that is cracked. Additionally, for the purposes of this challenge, constant sequences are not allowed. This only applies to solutions posted after this edit.
Write a program or function that, given no input, deterministically prints any sequence from the OEIS. By deleting some subset of the characters, your program must be able to print a different OEIS sequence when run in the same language. The new sequence must be entirely new, not just the first by a different name or with a different offset. Neither sequence may be simply a repeated constant value.
You must provide the first function, along with the name of the OEIS sequence so correctness can be verified. It's OK if behavior gets questionable around your language's MAX_INT value or 256, whichever is larger.
Delete characters from some Cop's submission such that your new program outputs any other sequence from the OEIS. Provide the new function along with the name of the new OEIS sequence. Here is a utility to make sure that your submission is valid (i.e. deletes characters without any funny business. Doesn't check the sequence itself.)
It's in your best interest to delete as many characters from the Cop's submission as possible. If another robber (anyone except the Cop who authored the original program) comes along and finds a shorter solution that finds another different sequence, that robber steals your point. (Note that simply golfing off characters and printing the same sequence is not sufficient to steal the point.)
Rules & Scoring
If, after one week, nobody has been able to crack your solution, you can mark your solution as safe by providing the second program along with the name of the sequence it generates.
You get one point for each safe posting and one point for each submission you crack. Cops lose 1/2 point for each cracked submission. Note that another robber can steal your point from the cracked submission at any time by providing a shorter program that yields a different sequence.
Cops may only post one challenge per language, per person.
The player with the most points at 12:00 UTC on 7 July wins.