Note: The winning answer will be selected on 4/12/17 the current winner is Jolf, 1 byte.
I'm surprised that we haven't had a what's my middle name challenge on this site yet. I did alot of searching but found nothing. If this is a dup, please flag it as such.
Your challenge
Parse a string that looks like Jo Jean Smith
and return Jean
Test cases
Input: Samantha Vee Hills
Output: Vee
Input: Bob Dillinger
Output: (empty string or newline)
Input: John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
Output: Jacob Jingleheimer
Input: Jose Mario Carasco-Williams
Output: Mario
Input: James Alfred Van Allen
Output: Alfred Van
(That last one is incorrect technically, but fixing that would be too hard.)
- Names will always have at least 2 space-separated parts, with unlimited middle names between them or can be a list/array of strings.
- Names may contain the alphabet (case-insensitive) and - (
) - You may output a trailing newline.
- You may require input to have a trailing newline.
- Input from STDIN, a function parameter, or command-line argument is allowed, but hard-coding it in is not allowed.
- Standard loopholes forbidden.
- Output may be function return value, STDOUT, STDERR, etc.
- Trailing spaces/newlines/tabs in the output are allowed.
- Any questions? Comment below!
This is code-golf, so the shortest anwser in bytes wins!
["John", "Jacob", "Jingleheimer", "Schmidt"]
->["Jacob", "Jingleheimer"]
a valid solution? \$\endgroup\$