
Given an ASCII art with simple closed paths using | and - (pipes and dashes), output a random point inside the boundary.

Eg. given:

----              ----
|  |-   ---  =>   |12|-   ---
|   |   | |       |345|   |6|
-----   ---       -----   ---
Any point 1-6 should have an equal probability of being printed.


  • Take a string, list of strings or a matrix containing |, -,
  • Output either the ASCII art with a space replaced by a constant character other than a pipe, dash or space or print the two-dimensional/one-dimensional index.
  • All adjacent pipe-dash pairs are connected
  • This is , so the shortest answer wins

Test cases


|12|-   ---
|345|   |6|
-----   ---



--- ---
|1| |2|
|K| |L|
--- ---

---     ---
|2|     |3|         (4 simple closed paths)
---     ---
  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ What does it mean "output a point"? Output its coordinates? \$\endgroup\$
    – matteo_c
    Commented Feb 18, 2023 at 14:54
  • \$\begingroup\$ What is the definition of connected? Eg, it looks as if the pipe characters could all be asterisks, and connected just means adjacent? \$\endgroup\$
    – Jonah
    Commented Feb 18, 2023 at 15:09
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Jonah More of a plus than an asterisk, but yes, updated, thanks. \$\endgroup\$
    – math scat
    Commented Feb 18, 2023 at 15:19
  • \$\begingroup\$ Suggested test case. (it has a space at all four sides, none of which are considered inside a boundary). \$\endgroup\$ Commented Feb 18, 2023 at 20:00
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ What is expected output for this testcase? \$\endgroup\$
    – tsh
    Commented Feb 19, 2023 at 3:11

9 Answers 9


MATL, 19 18 17 15 bytes


2 bytes saved thanks to @LuisMendo

Input is provided as a 2D character array and the random point is replaced by $

Try it out at MATL Online


      % Implicitly retrieve the 2D character array input
36    % Push the literal 36 (ASCII for $) to the stack
y     % Make a copy of the character array
y     % Copy the value 36
>     % Create a boolean 2D array where all values with ASCII > '$' (36) are TRUE
      % these are the elements == '|' or '-' that make up the boundary
t     % Duplicate this boolean 2D array
0ZI   % Perform the morphological fill operation to set the value of all elements
      % within the boundaries to TRUE also
-     % Subtract the boundary to leave TRUE values only for elements that are 
      % inside the boundary
f     % Find the index values of all remaining TRUE values
lZr   % Pick one at random
(     % And assign the '$' (36) to that element in the original input
      % Implicitly display the result

Vyxal, 32 bytes


Try it Online!

Expects a rectangular matrix containing |, -, . Returns a 2D index.


Surround the input with spaces from all sides.

2(     )  # repeat twice:
  ð       #   push a space
   vø.    #   vectorized surround
      ∩   #   transpose
        ∩ # transpose

Find the coordinates of all spaces that are in the outside component.

ðÞI                  # get the coordinates of all spaces
   k□                # push cardinal directions [[0,1],[1,0],[0,-1],[-1,0]]
     "               # pair
      λ           ;Ẋ # apply the following function until a fixed point:
                         Takes a pair [coordinates of all spaces,  coordinates spaces reached so far]  
       h             #   head
        n            #   argument
         ÷           #   push each to stack
          :          #   duplicate
           k□        #   push cardinal directions [[0,1],[1,0],[0,-1],[-1,0]]
             Ẋ       #   cartesian product
              Ṡ      #   vectorising sum
               J     #   join the top two item on the stack
                ↔    #   keep only those items of a that are in b
                 "   #   pair

Now we have the pair [coordinates of all spaces, coordinates of spaces reachable from one of the sides].

÷   # push each to stack
 F  # remove items from a that are in b
  ℅ # choose a random item

Charcoal, 82 81 77 bytes

WS⊞υι≔⌈EυLιθP⭆⪫υ¶⎇⁼ι ψι↖B⁺²θ⁺²Lυψ¤_↘TθLυFLυFθ«Jκι¤ »UMKA⎇⁼ι_ψι≔ΦKA⁼ι θ§≔θ‽Lθ#

Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Takes input as a list of newline-terminated strings and marks the random selection with a #. Explanation:


Input the strings and calculate the width of the ASCII art.

P⭆⪫υ¶⎇⁼ι ψι

Output the art but with spaces replaced with background.


Add extra background padding, fill it with _s, and then remove the extra padding.

FLυFθ«Jκι¤ »

Replace any remaining background with spaces.


Replace any remaining padding with background.

≔ΦKA⁼ι θ§≔θ‽Lθ#

Randomly replace a space with a #.


05AB1E, 81 78 77 bytes


Uses 2 as random character.

Try it online or verify all test cases.


Step 1: Pad the input with trailing spaces to make it a rectangle, and add an additional border of spaces. Then convert it to a matrix of 0s for | and -, and give each space an unique 1-based integer value.

.B           # Blockify the (implicit) multi-line input by adding trailing spaces,
             # and then split it on newlines
  €S         # Convert each line to a list of characters
    ðQ       # Check for each character whether it's a space (1 if space; 0 otherwise)
2Fø1δ.ø}     # Add a border of 1s:
2F     }     #  Loop 2 times:
  ø          #   Zip/transpose; swapping rows/columns
    δ        #   Map over each inner list/row:
   1 .ø      #    Surround it with a leading/trailing 1
©            # After the loop: store the matrix in variable `®` (without popping)
 ˜           # Flatten it to a single list
  ƶ          # Multiply each value by its 1-based index
   ®g        # Push the length (aka amount of rows) of matrix `®`
     ä       # Split the list of integers back into a matrix of that many rows

Try just this first step online.

Step 2: Flood-fill the positive values in the matrix to identify the islands of spaces:

Δ            # Loop until it no longer changes to flood-fill:
 2Fø0δ.ø}    #  Add a border of 0s around the matrix:
 2F     }    #   Loop 2 times:
   ø         #    Zip/transpose; swapping rows/columns
     δ       #    Map over each row:
    0 .ø     #     Add a leading/trailing 0
 2Fø€ü3}     #  Convert it into overlapping 3x3 blocks: 
 2F    }     #   Loop 2 times again:
   ø         #    Zip/transpose; swapping rows/columns
    €        #    Map over each inner list:
     ü3      #     Convert it to a list of overlapping triplets
 ®*          #  Multiply each 3x3 block by the value in matrix `®`
             #  (so the 0s remain 0s)
 εεÅsyøÅsM   #  Get the largest value from the horizontal/vertical cross of each 3x3
             #  block:
 εε          #   Nested map over each 3x3 block:
   Ås        #    Pop and push its middle row
     y       #    Push the 3x3 block again
      ø      #    Zip/transpose; swapping rows/columns
       Ås    #    Pop and push its middle rows as well (the middle column)
         M   #    Push the flattened maximum of the entire (scoped) stack,
             #    which is the flattened maximum of the cross of the current 3x3 block
]            # Close the nested maps and flood-fill loop

Try just the first two steps online.

Step 3: Remove the border and all right-padded trailing space-integers. Then replace that same value to 0s and every other value to 1s in the input-string.

¤            # Push the last row (without popping the matrix)
 θ           # Pop and push its last item
  ©          # Store this space-integer in variable `®` (without popping)
   δ         # Map over each row with this space-integer as argument:
    Ü        #  Remove all trailing space-integers from the row
     €       # Map over each row again:
      ¦      #  Remove its first character (the leading column of space-integers)
       ˜     # Then flatten the matrix to a list
        0K   # Remove all 0s (the "-" and "|")
          ®Ê # Check for each remaining spaces-value that it's NOT equal to `®`
             # (1 if it's a space inside a boundary; 0 if it's a space outside boundary)
ð            # Push a space character " "
 s           # Swap so this list of 0s/1s is at the top
  .;         # Replace all spaces in the (implicit) input one by one with these 0s/1s

Try just the first three steps online.

Step 4: Transform all 1s into 0s, except for a random one, which we'll make 2 instead.

Ð            # Triplicate the modified input-string
 Ï           # Pop two copies, and only keep all 1s
  S          # Convert this string of 1s to a list of 1s
   ā         # Push a list in the range [1,length] (without popping the list of 1s)
    D        # Duplicate it
     Ω       # Pop and push a random integer from this list
      Q      # Check which one in the list is equal to it
             # (so we have a list of 0s with one random 1)
       ·     # Double each, so the 1 becomes a 2 (0s remains 0)
        .;   # Then replace all 1s in the modified input one by one with these 0s/2s

Try just the first four steps online.

Step 5: Finally replace all 0s back to spaces. After which we output the result.

0ð:          # Replace every 0 back to a space
             # (after which the result is output implicitly)

JavaScript (Node.js),181 180 178 bytes

f=x=>[...x+0,n=0].map(_=>{for(i in x)for(j in e=x[i])for(k of'0123')(x[+i+--k%2]||++n)[+j+--k%2]?r=n=>Math.random()*n|0:1/e[j]?e[j]=0:0})&&x[p=r(x.length)][q=r(n)]<'!'?[p,q]:f(x)

Try it online!

Didn't expect it runs in time


Retina, 114 bytes

+`_ | _|(?<=(.)*)( |_)(.*¶(?<-1>.)*(?(1)$)(?!\2))[ _]

Try it online! Marks the random selection with a #. Explanation:


Pad the input and surround it with _s on all sides.

+`_ | _|(?<=(.)*)( |_)(.*¶(?<-1>.)*(?(1)$)(?!\2))[ _]

Flood fill the _s so that only interior spaces remain.


Randomly replace one with the output marker.


Remove the padding and replace any remaining _s with spaces.


Python3, 770 bytes:

import random as U
def T(b,x,y):
 for i in b:D[i[x]]=D.get(i[x],[])+[i[y]]
 return D
def B(b):
 P=[(x,y)for x,r in E(b)for y,k in E(r)if' '!=k];p=[*P]
 while p:
  while q:
   for X,Y in[(1,0),(-1,0),(0,-1),(0,1)]:
    if 0<=j<len(b)and 0<=k<len(b[0])and(len(r)<2 or V!=r[-2]):
     if(j==x and'-'==b[j][k])or(k==y and'|'==b[j][k])or b[x][y]!=b[j][k]:
      if V in r:yield r;p=[*({*p}-{*r})];F=1;break
      elif V in P:q+=[(V,[*r,V])]
   if F:break
def f(b):
 for i in B(b):
  K+=[(x,y)for x,r in E(b)for y,k in E(r)if' '==k and x in Q and min(Q[x])<=y<=max(Q[x])and y in W and min(W[y])<=x<=max(W[y])]
 return b

Try it online!


JavaScript (ES11), 168 bytes

Expects a matrix of characters and returns the coordinates [x,y] of a cell.


Attempt This Online!
(with some post-processing to insert an asterisk at the chosen position)


For each space in the input matrix, we process a recursive flood-fill to test whether we can 'escape' through a boundary. We keep track of each starting point for which this is not the case and return one of them.


m =>                      // m[] = input matrix
(o = [])[                 // start with o[] set to an empty array
  m.map((r, y) =>         // for each row r[] at index y in m[]:
    r.map((C, x) =>       //   for each character C at index x in r[]:
      ( g = (             //     g is a recursive function taking:
          x, y,           //       (x, y) = current position
          r = m[y],       //       r[] = current row
          c = r?.[x]      //       c = character at this position
        ) =>              //
        1 / c ?           //     if c is a space:
          [-1, 0, 1, 2]   //       array of directions
          .every(d =>     //       for each direction d:
            g(            //         do a recursive call:
              x + d % 2,  //           add dx to x
              y + ~-d % 2 //           add dy to y
            ),            //         end of recursive call
            r[x] = g      //         start by invalidating the current cell
          ) |             //       end of every()
          (r[x] = c)      //       restore the current cell
        :                 //     else:
          !!c / C         //       return a truthy value (1/0 = +∞) if and
                          //       only if c is defined and C is a space 
      )(x, y) ?           //     initial call to g; if truthy:
        n =               //       update n to the length of o[] ...
          o.push([x, y])  //       ... once [x, y] has been added to o[]
      :                   //     else:
        0                 //       do nothing
    )                     //   end of inner map()
  )                       // end of outer map()
  | Math.random() * n     // pick a random item from o[]
]                         //

Python 3.8 (pre-release), 238 bytes

a,*r={i+1j*j:c<'!'for i,r in e(open(0))for j,c in e(r)},
while q:=[i for i in a if a[i]][:1]:
 while q:
  for i in-1,1,-1j,1j:q+=[c+i]*a.get(c+i,0);g&=c+i in a

Try it online!

Flood-fills from every space position and stores the ones that do not go out of bounds. Then it relies on hash randomization for strings to pop a random coordinate from the final set.

  • \$\begingroup\$ that's a lot of golfing :P \$\endgroup\$
    – math scat
    Commented Feb 20, 2023 at 10:58

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