
Consider this nested array


In each subarray in which 1 appears, a 2 appears. You might say that 1's presence is dependent on 2's presence. The converse is not true, as 2 appears in a subarray without 1. Additionally, 3 is dependent on 2, and 4 is dependent on 1 and 2.


Given a list of lists of positive integers (in whatever I/O form is most convenient for you) remove only the integers which are dependent on integers larger than themselves. In other words, for every integer A that is dependent on an integer B, and B>A, remove A.

You may assume:

Positive integers only

Input will not be nested further than one level, as in the example above

No integer will appear more than once in a given subarray

Subarrays will be sorted (increasing or decreasing, whichever is more convenient as long as you state in your answer)

No empty arrays anywhere in input


in: [[1,2,4],[1,2,3],[2,3]]
out: [[2,4],[2,3],[2,3]]
in: [[3,4],[5,6]]
out: [[4],[6]]
in: [[1,2,3],[1,2,3,4],[2,3,4]]
out: [[3],[3,4],[3,4]]
in: [[1]]
out: [[1]]
in: [[2,12],[2,13],[2,14]]
out: [[2,12],[2,13],[2,14]]

Shortest code wins :)


9 Answers 9


Python, 104 93 bytes

lambda i:[[x for x in a if~-any(x<c>0<all(c in d for d in i if x in d)for c in a)]for a in i]

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Stupid naïve iterative solution which I'm really not happy with. A recursive solution will be shorter.

-11 bytes thanks to a hint from xnor.

for a in z for b in a for c in b for d in c for e in d for f in e for g in f for h in g for i in h for j in i for k in j for l in j for m in l for n in m for o in n for p in o for q in p for r in q for s in r for t in s for u in t for v in u for w in v for x in w for y in x for z in y please kill me why is python's syntax so whitespace and keyword heavy
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ I think the mess of loops could be simplified a little by noting that the candidate c's that x might depend on are restricted to those also in a along with x. \$\endgroup\$
    – xnor
    Commented Jan 9, 2022 at 7:58

Charcoal, 21 bytes


Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation:

  θ                     Input array
 E                      Map over subarrays
    ι                   Current subarray
   Φ                    Filtered where
      ι                 Current subarray
     ⬤                  All elements satisfy
          ν             Innermost element
        ¬›              Not greater than
           λ            Inner element
       ∨                Logical Or
             θ          Input array
            ⊙           Any subarray satisfies
               №        Count of
                 ν      Innermost element
                π       In innermost subarray
              ‹         Is less than
                  №     Count of
                    λ   Inner element
                   π    In innermost subarray
I                       Cast to string
                        Implicitly print

Jelly, 15 bytes


A monadic Link accepting a list of lists of strictly positive integers that yields a list of lists of strictly positive integers.

Try it online! (The footer calls the Link for each and formats the output)


ċƇf/>Ƈ⁹ȧ - Helper Link: list of lists, A; integer, I
 Ƈ       - filter keep those lists in A for which:
ċ        -   count occurrences of I - truthy if the list contains I
   /     - reduce this list of lists that contain I by:
  f      -   filter keep
             - gets us a list of those values appearing in all of them
      ⁹  - use I as the right argument of:
     Ƈ   -   filter keep those for which:
    >    -     greater than I?
       ȧ - logical AND I (non-vectorising)
             - i.e. I if it is a consistently dependent smaller integer, else 0

çⱮFḟ@Ɱ - Link: list of lists, A
  F    - flatten A
 Ɱ     - map across each integer I in that with:
ç      -   call the Helper Link as a dyad - f(A, I)
     Ɱ - map across each list in A with:
    @  -   with swapped arguments:
   ḟ   -     filter discard

R, 167 163 159 157 147 bytes

Or R>= 4.1, 126 bytes by replacing three function occurrences with \s.

Edit: -2 bytes thanks to @Giuseppe and -10 bytes thanks to @Dominic van Essen.


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That turned out long...

Straightforward approach:

  1. Create all pairs of values from input list (leading zeros to fix issues with 1-length inputs). unique and sort take care of the "first element is smaller" requirement.
  2. Define a helper function + to look for a value in nested list.
  3. Which pairs are dependent? (Uses \$\lnot p \lor q\$ for implication.) Extract first elements from them.
  4. setdiff those from all sublists.
  • \$\begingroup\$ sort unique is very clever \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jan 10, 2022 at 13:26
  • \$\begingroup\$ trivial 2 byte reduction by shoving s and b into function arguments and removing the {} \$\endgroup\$
    – Giuseppe
    Commented Jan 10, 2022 at 16:15
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Giuseppe, thanks - that was a leftover from previous attempts. \$\endgroup\$
    – pajonk
    Commented Jan 10, 2022 at 16:31
  • \$\begingroup\$ Do you need both of the leading zeros? It seems to work with 1-length inputs with only one of them... \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jan 15, 2022 at 9:50
  • \$\begingroup\$ ...and possibly you could use apply instead of sapply(1:ncol()), like this... \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jan 15, 2022 at 9:57

Haskell, 80 70 bytes

f l=filter(\n->all(\m->m<=n||any((&&).elem n<*>all(/=m))l)$l>>=id)<$>l

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-10 bytes thanks to Wheat Wizard


05AB1E, 14 12 bytes


Try it online or verify all test cases.


ε            # Map over each inner list of the (implicit) input list of lists:
 ʒ           #  Filter this inner list by:
  δ          #   Map over each list of the (implicit) input list of lists:
   å         #    Check if it contains the current integer
    Ï        #   Only keep those lists from the (implicit) input list of lists
     .«      #   Reduce the remaining list of lists by:
       Ã     #    Keep the values which are present in both lists
        y›   #   Then check which remaining values are larger than the current integer
          O  #   Sum to get the amount of values for which this is truthy
           _ #   Check if this sum is 0
             # (after which the modified list of lists is output implicitly as result)

Wolfram Language (Mathematica), 62 60 bytes


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⋂ are \[Function]\[Intersection]\[VectorLessEqual].

   (i                                     )/@Join@@# for all i in input
#/.                                i->Set@$             remove i if
      #⋂##&@@                                             intersection of
             #~Select~MemberQ@i                             lists containing i
                               i||                       not all ≤i

JavaScript (ES6), 79 bytes

Expects an array of sets.


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Ruby, 85 bytes


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