Given an array of positive integers and a threshold, the algorithm should output a set of consecutive-element-groupings (subarrays) such that each group/subarray has a sum greater than the threshold.
The solution should honor two additional criteria:
- be of highest cardinality of the groups (i.e. highest number of groups)
- having the maximum group-sum be as lowest as possible.
Mathematical Description:
- input array \$L = [l_1, l_2, ..., l_n]\$
- threshold \$T\$
output groups/subarrays \$G = [g_1, g_2, ..., g_m]\$ where:
- \$m \leq n\$
- \$\bigcap\limits_{i=1}^m{g_i}=\varnothing\$
- \$\bigcup\limits_{i=1}^m{g_i}=L\$
- if we denote the sum of elements in a group as \$s_{g_i} = \sum\limits_{l \in g_i}l\$, then all groups have sum greater than threshold \$T\$. In other words: \$\underset{g \in G}{\operatorname{min}}{\{s_g\}} \ge T\$
- if cardinality \$|g_i|=k\$, then \$g_i=[l_j, ..., l_{j+k-1}]\$ for an arbitrary \$j\$ (i.e. all elements are consecutive).
- optimal solution has highest cardinality: \$|G_{opt}| \ge \max\left(|G| \right),\,\,\forall G\$
- optimal solution \$G_{opt}\$ has lowest maximum group-sum: \$\underset{g \in G_{opt}}{\operatorname{max}}{\{s_g\}} \le \underset{g \in G}{\operatorname{max}}{\{s_g\}}, \,\,\, \forall G\$
for simplicity, we assume such a solution exists by having: \$\sum\limits_{i=1}^n l_i \ge T\$
Example input:
L = [1, 4, 12, 6, 20, 10, 11, 3, 13, 12, 4, 4, 5]
T = 12
Example output:
G = {
'1': [1, 4, 12, 6],
'2': [20],
'3': [10, 11],
'4': [3, 13],
'5': [12],
'6': [4, 4, 5]
Winning Criteria:
- Fastest algorithm wins (computational complexity in \$O\$ notation).
- Additionally, there might be situations where an element \$l_i >\!\!> T\$ is really big, and thus it becomes its own group; causing the maximum subarray sum to be always a constant \$l_i\$ for many potential solutions \$G\$.
Therefore, if two potential solutions \$G_A\$ and \$G_B\$ exists, the winning algorithm is the one which results in output that has the smallest max-subarray-sum amongst the non-intersecting groups.
In other words: if we denote \$G_{A \cap B}=\{g_i: \,\, g_i \in G_A \cap G_B\}\$, then optimum grouping, \$G_{opt}\$, is the one that has:
$$\underset{g \in \mathbf{G_{opt}} - G_{A \cap B}}{\operatorname{max}}{\{s_g\}} = \min\left( \underset{g \in \mathbf{G_A} - G_{A \cap B}}{\operatorname{max}}{\{s_g\}}\, , \,\,\underset{g \in \mathbf{G_{B}} - G_{A \cap B}}{\operatorname{max}}{\{s_g\}} \right)$$
[[1, 4, 12, 6], [20], [10, 11], [3, 13], [12], [4, 4, 5]]
? This has six entries too, but the maximal sum is lower at 23 (rather than 26). \$\endgroup\$