To celebrate the 2497th anniversary of the Greek victory at Salamis in 480 BC. Draw the lambda blazon.
The lambda blazon was the lambda painted on greek shields like so:
Puzzle: Given a positive odd integer n, produce an ascii art image of the above shield.
( /\ )
( /\ )
| / \ |
( / \ )
( /\ )
| / \ |
| / \ |
| / \ |
( / \ )
Graph: n=3
2| ( /\ )
y-axis 1| | / \ |
0| ( / \ )
There should be exactly n \
characters and n /
characters. The /
s and \
s should not touch the edge of the shield. The bottom and top corners of the shield will be denoted with a (
or )
unless n=1 where there will be one )
and one (
. There will always be one space between the bottom corners and the lambda, increasing by 1 with the y axis until y + 1 == n
. Non corners of the shield side will be denoted with |
. There is no shield top.