
No, not this. And not this either. This question is nothing like those

Write the shortest code to print/return the following output:

   /\      /\      /\
  /  \    /  \    /  \
 / /\ \  / /\ \  / /\ \
/ /  \ \/ /  \ \/ /  \ \
\ \  / /\ \  / /\ \  / /
 \ \/ /  \ \/ /  \ \/ /
  \  / /\ \  / /\ \  /
   \/ /  \ \/ /  \ \/
   /\ \  / /\ \  / /\
  /  \ \/ /  \ \/ /  \
 / /\ \  / /\ \  / /\ \
/ /  \ \/ /  \ \/ /  \ \
\ \  / /\ \  / /\ \  / /
 \ \/ /  \ \/ /  \ \/ /
  \  /    \  /    \  /
   \/      \/      \/
  • Standard methods of input/output.
  • Standard loopholes apply.
  • Trailing/leading whitespace is okay, in any amount.
  • 5
    \$\begingroup\$ Not this, Not that, What about this? \$\endgroup\$ Commented May 5, 2017 at 10:37

15 Answers 15


Charcoal, 28 24 23 bytes


Try it online! Explanation:

↗²↖↙⁴   Draw the top left 4x4 corner
⟲P²⁴⁶   Rotate it three times to complete a diamond
↘↙↙²    Draw the top left line of the inner diamond
⟲P²⁴⁶   Rotate three times to complete five diamonds
C⁸¦⁰    Copy everything 8 characters to the right to complete eight diamonds

Edit: My previous answer used ‖M‖M↓ to create a whole diamond by reflecting the top corner, but due to a bug in Charcoal this left the cursor out of position. Fortunately I discovered another way of achieving the same effect which doesn't move the cursor, which meant that I saved a byte drawing the inner diamond. (I also looked into overlapping operations, but I wasn't able to improve on the rotate/copy approach.)

Edit: ↖²↗↘⁴‖M¬M¹¦³↘²‖M¬C⁸¦⁰ does the job in 21 bytes, but that relies on the new reflecting behaviour, so I don't know whether this was possible with the old code.

  • \$\begingroup\$ Yeah, sorry, it was a bug - I've fixed it and will try to push ASAP, but this is still insanely short :O +1 \$\endgroup\$
    – ASCII-only
    Commented May 7, 2017 at 1:52
  • \$\begingroup\$ @ASCII-only If I've been using TIO, how does that affect me? \$\endgroup\$
    – Neil
    Commented May 7, 2017 at 9:33
  • \$\begingroup\$ Well, it's still cached, so as long as it is cached, it should be fine if that's what you mean \$\endgroup\$
    – ASCII-only
    Commented May 7, 2017 at 10:14
  • \$\begingroup\$ @ASCII-only What I want to know is that when TIO's behaviour changes I would like to be able to provide an updated (although non-competing) link. \$\endgroup\$
    – Neil
    Commented May 7, 2017 at 10:16
  • \$\begingroup\$ Oh, in that case it already has the fix \$\endgroup\$
    – ASCII-only
    Commented May 7, 2017 at 10:17

Charcoal, 62 50 48 45 42 40 bytes

Thanks to @Okx for saving two bytes!


Try it online!


↙²→↘²          // Draw the left half of the inner part of the first diamond.
↖⁴→↗⁴          // Draw the left half of the outer part.
‖M             // Mirror the half of the diamond to create the first full diamond.
F²C⁸¦⁰         // Copy the picture eight characters to the left twice.
               // The first copy gives us two diamonds, and the second copy of the
               // two diamonds overlaps so that the result is three diamonds.
M⁸↓→↗²↓↘²     // Move down to draw the upper inner half of the first middle diamond.
M⁴→↑↗²↓↘²     // Move right to do the same for the second middle diamond.
‖M↓           // Mirror the whole thing vertically.
  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ You can replace C⁸¦⁰C⁸¦⁰ with F²C⁸¦⁰¦ to save a byte. \$\endgroup\$
    – Okx
    Commented May 5, 2017 at 9:45
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Okx Thanks! Actually, this saves two bytes, because it works without the trailing ¦. \$\endgroup\$
    – Steadybox
    Commented May 5, 2017 at 11:33
  • \$\begingroup\$ For the record, some update seems to have broken this, as the code no longer works properly on TIO. The answer still remains valid, because it worked with the version TIO was using back when this answer was posted. \$\endgroup\$
    – Steadybox
    Commented Nov 27, 2017 at 22:09

05AB1E, 45 44 43 bytes


…/ \©•—‹íćCé']d₂2ó@¯çX‘¯¨•3вè8äJvy®‡«}»Â»


The •—‹íćCé'\]d₂2ó@¯çX‘¯¨•3в part is just a compressed version of the following array:

[1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2]

Which we index into the string …/ \. This maps 0 -> /, 1 -> space, 2 -> \. After that, we process this string with the following program:


8ä               # Split the array into 8 pieces
  J              # Join each sub-array in the array
   vy     }      # For each string in the array
     Â           #   Bifurcate (duplicate and reverse)
      ®          #   Push the string "/ \" (which was copied using ©)
       Â         #   Bifurcate to get "\ /"
        ‡        #   Transliterate / -> \ and \ -> /
         «       #   Append to the original string
           »     # Join the entire stack on newlines
            Â    # Bifurcate
             »   # Join the stack by newlines

Uses the 05AB1E encoding. Try it online!

  • \$\begingroup\$ 05AB1E is very good at ASCII-art, it seems... \$\endgroup\$ Commented May 5, 2017 at 2:10
  • 6
    \$\begingroup\$ Crossed out fourty four is still fourty four. \$\endgroup\$
    – Okx
    Commented May 5, 2017 at 9:44
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Okx Unless you apply non-breaking spaces. \$\endgroup\$
    – Steadybox
    Commented May 5, 2017 at 11:37

PHP, 126 Bytes


Try it online!

PHP, 149 Bytes

  \ 22 /  
   \\33/   ",["   /\   ","  /  \  "," / /\ \ ","/ /  \ \\","\ \  / /"," \ \/ / "]);echo"$s

Try it online!


Ruby, 99 97 bytes

400.times{|i|print (23<x=i%25)?$/:" /  \\   "[(x^y=i/25)&4^x+y&1^(x-2&4&y-2>y/6%2*x/2%11*4?2:0)]}


Each 4x4 square contains only spaces and / or \. We plot these to give the overall diamond pattern. To avoid partial patterns at the borders, certain 2x2 squares must be left blank as below.

.. /\ .... /\ .... /\ ..
../  \..../  \..../  \..
 / /\ \  / /\ \  / /\ \
/ /  \ \/ /  \ \/ /  \ \
\ \  / /\ \  / /\ \  / /
 \ \/ /  \ \/ /  \ \/ /
..\  / /\ \  / /\ \  /..
.. \/ /  \ \/ /  \ \/ ..
.. /\ \  / /\ \  / /\ ..
../  \ \/ /  \ \/ /  \..
 / /\ \  / /\ \  / /\ \
/ /  \ \/ /  \ \/ /  \ \
\ \  / /\ \  / /\ \  / /
 \ \/ /  \ \/ /  \ \/ /
..\  /....\  /....\  /..
.. \/ .... \/ .... \/ ..

Ungolfed version - modified to print the above to assist in explanation

400.times{|i|print (23<x=i%25)?$/:     #Calculate x. If last column, print a newline else
  " /..\\ .."[(x^y=i/25)&4^x+y&1^      #If (x^y)&4==4, use x+y&1 to select between space and /. If (x^y)&4==0 select between \ and space.
  (x-2&4&y-2>y/6%2*x/2%11*4?2:0)]      #If x-2&4&y-2==4, and we are on the 2 character wide border (y/6%2*x/2%11==0), XOR with 2 to print .

JavaScript, 232 bytes


Try it online!

const f = _=>(a=`3868683
391/27191/27193`.replace(/\d/g,n=>n>6?['\\','/\\','\\/'][n-7]:' '.repeat(n)))+`


  • \$\begingroup\$ I have a 126 byte solution below. :) \$\endgroup\$ Commented May 18, 2017 at 14:02

Pyth - 106 98 96 92 bytes


Try it


Canvas, 18 bytes


Try it here!


4/           push a diagonal of length 4
  2/         push a diagonal of length 2
    33╋      insert that at [3;3] in the 1st diagonal
                  / /
                 / / 
╬            quad-palindromize with 0 overlap
 2/77╋       insert a 2-long diagonal in the bottom-right corner
                   /  \  
                  / /\ \ 
                 / /  \ \
                 \ \  / /
                  \ \/ / 
                   \  / /
                    \/ / 
      ╬      quad-palindromize with 0 overlap, creating most of the output
                    /\      /\   
                   /  \    /  \  
                  / /\ \  / /\ \ 
                 / /  \ \/ /  \ \
                 \ \  / /\ \  / /
                  \ \/ /  \ \/ / 
                   \  / /\ \  /  
                    \/ /  \ \/   
                    /\ \  / /\   
                   /  \ \/ /  \  
                  / /\ \  / /\ \ 
                 / /  \ \/ /  \ \
                 \ \  / /\ \  / /
                  \ \/ /  \ \/ / 
                   \  /    \  /  
                    \/      \/   
       :91╋  overlap self on [9;1]

C#, 608 bytes

void q(){Action<string>a=Console.Write;Func<int,int,string>b=(c,d)=>new string(' ',c)+(d<1?"/\\":d<2?"/  \\":d<3?"/ /\\ \\":d<4?"/ /  \\ \\":d<5?"\\ \\  / /":d<6?"\\ \\/ /":d<7?"\\  /":"\\/");Action e=()=>a(b(0,4)+b(0,4)+b(0,4)+"\n"+b(1,5)+b(2,5)+b(2,5)+"\n");Action f=()=>a(b(1,2)+b(2,2)+b(2,2)+"\n");Action g=()=>a(b(0,3)+b(0,3)+b(0,3)+"\n");a(b(3,0)+b(6,0)+b(6,0)+"\n"+b(2,1)+b(4,1)+b(4,1)+"\n");f();g();e();a("  \\  / /\\ \\  / /\\ \\  /\n"+"   \\/ /  \\ \\/ /  \\ \\/\n"+"   /\\ \\  / /\\ \\  / /\\\n"+"  /  \\ \\/ /  \\ \\/ /  \\\n");f();g();e();a(b(2,6)+b(4,6)+b(4,6)+"\n"+b(3,7)+b(6,7)+b(6,7)+"\n");}
  • \$\begingroup\$ Not that I want to make this any longer but it looks like you're missing using System;. I'm also pretty sure you can golf this more but I haven't spent too much time looking to be 100% sure. \$\endgroup\$ Commented May 18, 2017 at 8:11
  • \$\begingroup\$ Its longer than the output so just System.Console.WriteLine(@"..."); Will beat my answer by like 200 bytes. \$\endgroup\$
    – LiefdeWen
    Commented May 18, 2017 at 8:20

C#, 382 291 bytes

\ \ {0}{0} / /
 \ \{1}{1}/ /
  \ {0}{0} /
   /\ \ {0} / /\
  /  \ \{1}/ /  \
\ \ {0}{0} / /
 \ \{1}{1}/ /
{3}{3}{3}",@" / /\ \ ",@"/ /  \ \",@"  /  \  ",@"   \/   ",@"  \  /  ",@"   /\   ");

Javascript 126 bytes

`))C=c%22>1&&r%14>1,q=[1,,C&&r&2,,,,C&&~r&2,,1],a+=q[c+5+r&7]?'/':q[r-c+20&7]?'\\':' '

Since it's now pretty unreadable, a basic explanation:

  • we tile the space top left to bottom right
  • we draw it as basically 6 diagonal lines that repeat every 8 characters: 2 solid lines, and 4 that are "dashed" (two characters, then two spaces...)
  • the C=... stuff is to limit drawing of some of the lines to within a bounding box
  • to save a lot of characters, we deliberately add numbers to make the expressions for the upwards and downwards lines extremely similar
  • then, put the expressions themselves into a sparse array [1,,C&&...], which we look up into. If there is a truthy value, we draw the appropriate character.


`))                 // basic grid tiling
C=c%22>1&&r%14>1,   // are we not near the edges
q=[1,               // a solid line that always draws
,                   // a line that never draws
C&&r&2,             // a line that draws if not near the edge, and if on the correct "dash" (r&2)
C&&~r&2,            // if not near the edge, and on the opposite "dash" (~r&2)
,1                  // the opposite diagonal line that always draws
a+=q[c+5+r&7]?'/' // compute which upward line we're on, check whether to draw it
:q[r-c+20&7]?'\\' // do the same for the downward line
:' '                // otherwise draw a space

Maybe this explanation didn't help. :)

Try online: https://codepen.io/stevebennett/pen/WjgMpY

Hopefully I got the output right:

   /\      /\      /\   
  /  \    /  \    /  \  
 / /\ \  / /\ \  / /\ \ 
/ /  \ \/ /  \ \/ /  \ \
\ \  / /\ \  / /\ \  / /
 \ \/ /  \ \/ /  \ \/ / 
  \  / /\ \  / /\ \  /  
   \/ /  \ \/ /  \ \/   
   /\ \  / /\ \  / /\   
  /  \ \/ /  \ \/ /  \  
 / /\ \  / /\ \  / /\ \ 
/ /  \ \/ /  \ \/ /  \ \
\ \  / /\ \  / /\ \  / /
 \ \/ /  \ \/ /  \ \/ / 
  \  /    \  /    \  /  
   \/      \/      \/   



`))C=c%22>1&&r%14>1,q=[1,,C&&r&2,,,,C&&~r&2,,1],a+=q[(c+5+r)%8]?'/':q[(r-c+20)%8]?'\\':' '


`))C=c%22>1,q=[1,,C&&r&2&&r<14,,,,C&&~r&2&&r>1,,1],a+=q[(c+5+r)%8]?'/':q[(r-c+20)%8]?'\\':' '


`))C=c<22&&c>1,q=[1,,C&&r&2&&r<14,,,,C&&~r&2&&r>1,,1],a+=q[(c+5+r)%8]?'/':q[(r-c+20)%8]?'\\':' '


`))Z=(C=c<22&&c>1)&&~r&2&&r>1,Y=C&&r&2&&r<14,B=(c-r+12)%8,A=(c+5+r)%8,q=[1,,Y,,,,Z,,1],a+=q[A]?'/':q[8-B]?'\\':' '

History: 172

for(c=r=a='';r<16;c++==23&&(r++,c=0,a+='\n'))a+=(Z=(C=c<22&&c>1)&&~r&2&&r>3,Y=C&&r&2&&r<12,B=(c-r+16)%8,A=(c+r)%8,A==3||A==5&&Y||A==1&&Z?'/':B==4||B==2&&Y||B==6&&Z?'\\':' ')

PowerShell, 168 125 122 121 bytes

$a=(,' '*24+'
'&$:&8%$%6%&%5%&%6%$%8&:$'|% t*y|%{$i+=$_-35;$a[$i]='\/'[$i%2]}}

Try it online!

The script creates the array of 400 chars and renders 8 diamonds started from positions with intervals 0,8,8,88,8,88,8,8.

  • The string '&$:&8%$%6%&%5%&%6%$%8&:$' contains the intervals of offsets for the rendered symbols.
  • The expression |% t*y is shortcut for |foreach-object toCharArray

First render steps:





and so on.


Retina, 214 bytes

F/\E/\E/\¶B/B\BB/B\FAD D¶F\/ C C¶FD D /\¶BC CAF\B/BB\B/¶F\/E\/E\/
/\ \B/
/B\ \/
 /  \¶ / /\ \  / /\ \  / /\ \¶/ /  \ \/ /  \ \/ /  \ \¶\ \  / /\ \  / /\ \  / /¶ \ \/ /  \ \/ /  \ \/ /¶  \  / 

Try it online!


Japt, 75 bytes

Can't seem to golf at all today :\ This is hideous!

`­66e7s2gf8447sppcpÜ;7¶p1paff2kmbj1l3odfs4q1½0j¢·lqbs`q¤®©n28" /\\"÷ê û

Test it


Deadfish~, 2839 bytes


Try it online!

Deadfish - always way longer than the output and extremely inefficient.


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