Your task is to implement integer sequence A130826:
an is the smallest positive integer such that an - n is an entire multiple of 3 and twice the number of divisors of (an - n) / 3 gives the nth term in the first differences of the sequence produced by the Flavius Josephus sieve.
Lost yet? Well, it's actually quite easy.
The Flavius Josephus sieve defines an integer sequence as follows.
Start with the sequence of positive integers and set k = 2.
Remove every kth integer of the sequence, starting with the kth.
Increment k and go back to step 2.
fn is the nth integer (1-indexed) that never gets removed.
If – as usual – σ0(k) denotes the number of positive divisors of the integer k, we can define an as the smallest positive integer such that 2σ0((an - n) / 3) = fn+1 - fn.
Write a program or function that takes a positive integer n as input and prints or returns an.
Standard code-golf rules apply. May the shortest code win!
Worked examples
If we remove every second element of the positive integers, we are left with
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 ...
After removing every third element of the remainder, we get
1 3 7 9 13 15 19 21 25 27 31 33 37 39 ...
Now, removing every fourth, then fifth, then sixth element gets us
1 3 7 13 15 19 25 27 31 37 39 ...
1 3 7 13 19 25 27 31 39 ...
1 3 7 13 19 27 31 39 ...
1 3 7 13 19 27 39 ...
The last row shows the terms f1 to f7.
The differences of the consecutive elements of the these terms are
2 4 6 6 8 12
Dividing these forward differences by 2, we get
1 2 3 3 4 6
These are the target divisor counts.
- 4 is the first integer k such that σ0((k - 1) / 3) = 1. In fact, σ0(1) = 1.
- 8 is the first integer k such that σ0((k - 2) / 3) = 2. In fact, σ0(2) = 2.
- 15 is the first integer k such that σ0((k - 3) / 3) = 3. In fact, σ0(4) = 3.
- 16 is the first integer k such that σ0((k - 4) / 3) = 3. In fact, σ0(4) = 3.
- 23 is the first integer k such that σ0((k - 5) / 3) = 4. In fact, σ0(6) = 4.
- 42 is the first integer k such that σ0((k - 6) / 3) = 6. In fact, σ0(12) = 6.
Test cases
n a(n)
1 4
2 8
3 15
4 16
5 23
6 42
7 55
8 200
9 81
10 46
11 119
12 192
13 205
14 196622
15 12303
16 88
17 449
18 558
19 127
20 1748
21 786453
22 58
23 2183
24 3096
25 1105
26 786458
27 12582939
28 568
29 2189
30 2730