B←{'/\ '['\/'⍳⍺⍺⍵]}
C(⊢⍪⊖B)⊃,/{C⊖A↑⊖' /'[⍵≤∘.+⍨⍳⍵+1]}¨⌽⍳A←⎕
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Assumes ⎕IO←0
, which is standard on many systems, so the program is 0-indexed.
This is a tradfn that takes input via STDIN.
(slightly outdated)
Note that ⍺
is the left argument, ⍵
is the right argument and ⍺⍺
is the left operator.
is a function that helps in mirroring the diamonds. It takes the string as the right argument and the reverse function as the left (so B
is an operator).
B←{'/\ '['\/'⍳⍺⍺⍵]}
⍺⍺⍵ Apply ⍺⍺ on ⍵
'\/'⍳ Find the index of the reflected string in '\/' (if the character is not found in `'\/'`, then return an index out of the bounds of the string, ie `2` if the character is a space)
'/\ '[ ] Use these indexes on '/\ ' to reflect the '/\' characters
And now we go to the main part of the program.
A←⎕ Assign the input to variable A
⍳ Create a range 0 .. A-1
⌽ Reverse it so that it becomes A-1 .. 0
¨ For each element do (the right argument is the element):
⍳⍵+1 Create a range 0 .. ⍵
∘.+⍨ Create an addition table using the range to result in a matrix like so:
0+0 0+1 0+2 .. 0+⍵
1+0 1+1 1+2 .. 1+⍵
2+0 2+1 2+2 .. 2+⍵
⍵+0 ⍵+1 ⍵+2 .. ⍵+⍵
⍵≤ The elements of the matrix that are greater than or equal to the ⍵,
this creates a triangle matrix that looks like this:
0 0 .. 0 1
0 0 .. 1 1
1 1 .. 1 1
' /'[...] Index it in ' /' to get a character matrix
(ie replace 0s with spaces and 1s with '/'s)
⊖ Flip this vertically
A↑ Pad the top spaces
This is necessary to ensure that all the triangles created for every element in the range ⌽⍳A
have the same height so that they can be later concatenated with each other.
⊖ Flip the matrix vertically again to go back to the original state
(⊢, ) Concatenate it with
⌽B itself, but flipped horizontally
,/ Concatenate all triangles formed by the range operator
⊃ The resulting matrix is nested, so this operator "un-nests" it
Now the top left part of the pattern is complete. All that's remaining is to flip it vertically and then horizontally.
(⊢⍪⊖B) Concatenate the resulting matrix with itself but flipped vertically
(the vertically flipped matrix is concatenated below of the original matrix)
Now the left part of the pattern is complete
(⊢,⌽B) Concatenate the resulting matrix with itself flipped horizontally
And that's it! The output is a character matrix with /\
s and padded with spaces.