#Brainfuck$, 153 bytes
Outputs the image with ANSI color codes. I chose a height of 30 like Mego.
The reference implementation from 2009 linked on the esolangs page has gone missing. You can run it using this interpreter made by me, which supports everything from the esolangs page.
window.addEventListener("load",function(){document.querySelector("#r").addEventListener("click",function(){var c=document.querySelector("#c").value,u=document.querySelector("#i").value,d=Array(30000).fill(0),p=0,i=0,q=0,s=[],o=document.querySelector("#o");o.value="";eval(c.replace(/[^]/g,function(e,i){return{"+":"d[p]=(-~d[p]+256)%256;","-":"d[p]=(~-d[p]+256)%256;",">":"p++;","<":"p--;",",":"d[p]=q-u.length?u[q++].charCodeAt()%256:0;",".":"o.value+=String.fromCharCode(d[p]);","[":"while(d[p]){","]":"}","#":"s.push(d[p]);","$":"d[p]=s.pop();",";":"d[p]=(parseInt(prompt())%256+256)%256;",":":"o.value+=d[p].toString();","(":"for(var i"+i+"=d[p];i"+i+">0;i"+i+"--){",")":"}","@":"o.value+=('D '+d.slice(0,20)+'\\nS '+s+'\\nIP '+i+' DP '+p);"}[e]||"";}));});});
<label for=c>Code:</label><br/><textarea style="width:100%;height:15em;white-space:pre" id=c>+++++++++++++[->>>++>+++++++>++++>>>>++++++++>+++<<<<<<<<<<]>>>+>>#->$#>$#+++++++>$--->+++++[<]<< init sequence to cells 3 to 10 +++++[->+++++>++++++<<] set cells 1~2 to 25 & 30 >+ set cell 1 to 26 # push 26 to stack > go to cell 2 ( do 30 times $# get 26 to this cell from stack ( do 26 times [-]>[.>]<[<] print sequence ) >>>>+++<<<< change color to white $# get 26 to this cell from stack ( do 26 times [-]>[.>]<[<] print sequence ) >>>>------<<<< change color to red $# get 26 to this cell from stack ( do 26 times [-]>[.>]<[<] print sequence ) >>>>+++<<<< change color to blue ++++++++++. print newline )</textarea><br/><button id=r>Run</button><br/><label for=i>Input:</label><br/><textarea id=i style="width:100%"></textarea><br/><label for=o>Output:</label><br/><textarea readonly id=o style="width:100%;height:15em;white-space:pre"></textarea>
#Brainfuck, 258 bytes
This is basically the same thing, but just in plain old Brainfuck.
Outputs the image with ANSI color codes. I chose a height of 30 like Mego.
Or, if you prefer this one in oOo CODEoOo CODE (984 bytes):