#Brainfuck, 532 bytes <!-- language-all: none --> -[--->+<]>-----.>-[----->+<]>.>++++++++++.+[->+++++<]>.+.[-->+<]>++++.-----[->++<]>-.---.>++++++++++.[->+++++<]>.+++..>++++++++++.--[->>++++++>++++>+++++++>+++++++>++++>++++++>+++++++>++++++>++++>>++++++>+++++++>+++++++>++++>>++++++>++++++>+++++++>++++>+++++++>+++++++>++++>+++++++>++++++>++++[<]<[<]<[<]<]>>>>>--->>+>-->++++>>>++>--->--->>>++>+++>+>>-->--->>--->+++[<]<[<]<[<]<<-[>>++++[-<++++++>]<++[>>[.>]<[<]<-]>++++++++[-<++++++++++>]<--[>>[>]>[.>]<[<]<[<]<-]>++++[-<++++++>]<++[>>[>]>[>]>[.>]<[<]<[<]<[<]<-]++++++++++.[-]<-] Outputs the image in PPM format. Or, if you prefer this one in oOo CODE (2023 bytes): <!-- language-all: none --> One dAy TheRe wIll be pEaCe iN tHIs woRld One Day TheRe wILl be pEace In ThiS woRld One Day theRe WilL bE PeacE In thiS wORlD OnE DaY ThERe WIlL Be PEaCE iN THiS wOrLd One day ThERe WIlL Be PEaCe iN tHIs woRLd OnE DAy tHeRe wIll be pEaCe iN tHIs woRlD OnE DaY ThERE wIll Be pEacE in This WoRld one DaY ThEre WiLL be pEacE In ThiS woRld ONe day ThERe WIlL Be PEaCE iN ThIS wORlD OnE DAy tHeRe will Be PEaCE iN ThIS wOrlD oNE day THeRe WIlL Be PEAcE In thiS wORlD OnE DaY ThERe WIlL Be PEaCE iN THiS woRld oNe Day there wIlL Be PEaCE iN ThIS wOrld OnE DaY ThERe Will Be PEaCE iN ThIS wORlD OnE day ThERe WIlL Be PEaCE iN ThIs woRlD OnE DaY ThEre wIlL Be PEaCE iN ThIS wOrld OnE DaY ThERe WIlL Be PEaCe in ThIS wORlD OnE DaY ThEre wIlL Be PEaCE iN this woRlD OnE DaY ThERe WIlL be pEaCE iN ThIS wORlD OnE DaY theRe WIlL Be PEaCE iN ThIS wOrld OnE DaY ThERe Will be pEaCE iN ThIS wORlD OnE day ThERe WIlL Be PEaCE iN thiS wORlD OnE DaY ThERe WIlL be pEaCE iN ThIS wOrld OnE DaY ThERe WIlL Be PEaCe in ThIS wORlD OnE DaY ThERe Will Be PEaCE iN ThIs woRlD OnE DaY ThERe WIlL Be PeacE iN ThIS wORlD OnE DaY theRe WIlL Be PEaCe In thIs WOrlD oNe daY tHEre WiLl be PeACe iN tHIs world one day theRe wIll Be peace in ThIs woRld One day ThERe WIlL Be Peace in thiS wORlD one Day TheRe will Be pEacE in this world OnE DaY theRe WIlL Be PeacE iN this woRld One day TheRe wIll be peacE in ThiS world OnE DaY ThErE wilL bE PeaCe In thIs WOrlD oNe daY tHEre WilL Be peAce in thiS wORlD OnE DaY tHeRe wilL Be PEaCE iN ThIS wORlD one dAY thERe WIlL bE peace in tHiS World oNE daY tHere WiLL be PEace IN thiS wORlD OnE DaY ThERe WIlL Be PeAcE in thIS wORlD OnE DaY ThERe WIlL Be PEaCE iN this WOrlD One Day tHere will bE peace IN this WoRLd one dAY thErE wilL bE PeaCe In thIs WOrlD One dAY theRe WIlL Be PEaCe In This wORlD OnE DaY ThERe WIlL be peACe iN ThIS wOrLd one day tHere wiLL be peAce in tHIs worLd ONe day tHEre WiLl be PeACe iN tHis wOrLD onE dAy thErE WilL Be peACE iN ThIS wORlD OnE DaY ThERe WIlL Be PEAce In This WOrlD One dAY