Python 781 731 605 582580 Chars
Edit : After optimization it looks like other all python solutions. the only differencethanks to Ed H's suggestions 2 chars chopped, to go further I might have to restructure a lot of thing here which is the compressed stringgoing to take some time
s="er|es="e |nd|-We| a|O|N|a|-(Ooh|N| what|ive| go|ay it-|I|-(Ooh|G|o|I|er|G|o |make5 |D| th| othTothH |A| tF|ing |nna |tell|'s been|'rS|-You|-N4| know|L5 up|PR | you|evTK>|you|evHK>| how I'm feeling-|H|O, g7)|H|O)9gL, n4gL-(G7)|-I just wa>=53Gotta EuRTstaREuRHstaR-.|Q've8n eachBfor sFlong:r heart<Pch?but:;toFshy@sJInsidSwSboth8M<K?onQ8CSgame6we;go>plJ|9g79let5 down9runProuR6desTt59Ecry9sayKodbye9=Pdown9runProuR6desHt59Ecry9sayKodbye9=P lie6hurt5-|\n|Q;nFstrangTs@love|\n|Q;nFstrangHs@love:8CSrules6sFdFI-A full commitment'sM I'mCink?of: wouldn't getCis fromPnyBguy0/AR if5Psk me3Don't = me5;[email protected]/0..";i=84";i=83
while i>44:x,s=s.split('|',1);s=s.replace(chr(i),x);i-=1
print s