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V. Courtois
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Scala, 326305 bytes

Well, I'm pretty sure this can be golfed out. But still, it exists. Takes input lowercase. f prints out the result in stdout.

EDIT: -8 chars thanks to me not being dumb anymore (spaces); -13 chars thanks to crater2150

var k=Seq("bi","ba","bo","bu")
k++=k.dropRight(1)init.flatMap(a=>Seq("di","da","do","du").map(b=>a+ba+_))//Putting "bu" here instead of at line 1, and in place of using dropRightinit, would be interesting... if it did not cause a typing problem
var m=Seq("").drop(1)//Forced to do this to make m be a Seq[String] and not a Seq[Any]
def g(a:Seq[String],b:Int)=k.indexOf(a(b)).toHexString
def f(a:String){a.split('b').drop(1).foreach(x => m :+= "b" + x)
var i = 0

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Sadly flatMap is not that worth...

342 bytes

var k=Seq("bi","ba","bo","bu","bidi","bida","bido","bidu","badi","bada","bado","badu","bodi","boda","bodo","bodu")
var m=Seq("").dropm=Seq[String](1)
def g(a:Seq[String],b:Int)=k.indexOf(a(b)).toHexString
def f(a:String){a.split('b').drop(1).foreach(x => m x=>m:+= "b" + x+="b"+x)
var i = 0i=0

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Scala, 326 bytes

Well, I'm pretty sure this can be golfed out. But still, it exists. Takes input lowercase. f prints out the result in stdout.

var k=Seq("bi","ba","bo","bu")
k++=k.dropRight(1).flatMap(a=>Seq("di","da","do","du").map(b=>a+b))//Putting "bu" here instead of at line 1, and in place of using dropRight, would be interesting... if it did not cause a typing problem
var m=Seq("").drop(1)//Forced to do this to make m be a Seq[String] and not a Seq[Any]
def g(a:Seq[String],b:Int)=k.indexOf(a(b)).toHexString
def f(a:String){a.split('b').drop(1).foreach(x => m :+= "b" + x)
var i = 0

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Sadly flatMap is not that worth...

342 bytes

var k=Seq("bi","ba","bo","bu","bidi","bida","bido","bidu","badi","bada","bado","badu","bodi","boda","bodo","bodu")
var m=Seq("").drop(1)
def g(a:Seq[String],b:Int)=k.indexOf(a(b)).toHexString
def f(a:String){a.split('b').drop(1).foreach(x => m :+= "b" + x)
var i = 0

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Scala, 305 bytes

Well, I'm pretty sure this can be golfed out. But still, it exists. Takes input lowercase. f prints out the result in stdout.

EDIT: -8 chars thanks to me not being dumb anymore (spaces); -13 chars thanks to crater2150

var k=Seq("bi","ba","bo","bu")
k++=k.init.flatMap(a=>Seq("di","da","do","du").map(a+_))//Putting "bu" here instead of at line 1, and in place of using init, would be interesting... if it did not cause a typing problem
var m=Seq[String]()
def g(a:Seq[String],b:Int)=k.indexOf(a(b)).toHexString
def f(a:String){a.split('b').drop(1).foreach(x=>m:+="b"+x)
var i=0

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V. Courtois
  • 946
  • 5
  • 15

Scala, 326 bytes

Well, I'm pretty sure this can be golfed out. But still, it exists. Takes input lowercase. f prints out the result in stdout.

var k=Seq("bi","ba","bo","bu")
k++=k.dropRight(1).flatMap(a=>Seq("di","da","do","du").map(b=>a+b))//Putting "bu" here instead of at line 1, and in place of using dropRight, would be interesting... if it did not cause a typing problem
var m=Seq("").drop(1)//Forced to do this to make m be a Seq[String] and not a Seq[Any]
def g(a:Seq[String],b:Int)=k.indexOf(a(b)).toHexString
def f(a:String){a.split('b').drop(1).foreach(x => m :+= "b" + x)
var i = 0

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Sadly flatMap is not that worth...

342 bytes

var k=Seq("bi","ba","bo","bu","bidi","bida","bido","bidu","badi","bada","bado","badu","bodi","boda","bodo","bodu")
var m=Seq("").drop(1)
def g(a:Seq[String],b:Int)=k.indexOf(a(b)).toHexString
def f(a:String){a.split('b').drop(1).foreach(x => m :+= "b" + x)
var i = 0

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