Python 3, Score:106, safe.
and again...
This is the output of my program (displayed here as the repr() of the bytes in python):
b'\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\t\n\x0b\x0c\r\x0e\x0f\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f !"#$%&*+-/0123456789<>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^`fghijkqrsuvwxz{|}~'
So these are the characters available to crack it:
I'm not using any unicode tricks, I think it would be trivial to make this program dump more characters to defend against those cracks.
Of course this is similar to my other answers, strings are encoded basically the same way but I applied some better python tricks to get them printed.
Hopefully I've dodged obvious cracks... only one way to find out!
Looks like it's safe, and I'm not going to go for a better score. Here's my solution:
Try it online!
not that it really means anything in that form. My 'real' solution is more like this:
def reduce_num(i):
if i == 1:
return "len(((),))"
return f"len(({c}))"
def reduce_numstr(s):
return reduce_num(int(
def reduce_bytes(x):
for i in x:
return f"type(b'')(({cl}))"
def reduce_str(x):
return f"{reduce_bytes(x.encode())}.decode()"
olds = ''
import re
numre = re.compile("\d+")
fullset=set(x for x in range(127))
cont = True
while cont:
olds = s;
out = f"""a=lambda:0;a.__code__=type(a.__code__)(0,0,0,0,3,67,{reduce_bytes(b.__code__.co_code)},('',{reduce_bytes(bytes(sorted(s)))}.decode(),({reduce_str('end')},)),({reduce_str('print')},),(),'','',0,b'');a()"""
out = re.sub(numre,reduce_numstr,out)
cont = any(x in s for x in out.encode())
s = fullset-set(x for x in out.encode())
with open('','w') as fh:
for i in dir(b.__code__):
import subprocess as s
p = s.Popen('python3',shell=True,stdout=s.PIPE)
b =
print(repr(bytes(sorted(fullset-set(x for x in b)))))
This works by hijacking a lambda's __code__
to get it's type, which is code
, and creating a new code object with it. This new code object is written over the lambda's original code object and then the lambda is called. The arguments to code() define a lambda that just prints a fixed string. All of the arguments are encoded by calls to len() on tuples of empty tuples to get integers which are either used directly or enclosed in another tuple that is passed into bytes() (for whatever reason I used type(b''), but I really didn't save any characters with that) and then when a string is required I called .decode on that. The script that generates the answer outputs compiled code from it's own lambda b
, so it's probably best to run the generator script on the same version of python you'll be running the result on.
Maybe this could be done with fewer characters, I didn't explore every choice available with this strategy.
As a side note, this experience has lead me to believe that python is actually a great system for hiding code.