Given the output of the cop's program (o
), the byte-count (n
) and the number of unique bytes (c
) used, come up with a corresponding piece of code that is n
bytes long with c
unique bytes which matches the cop's output o
This is the cops thread. Post solutions that are to-be-cracked here.
The robbers thread is located here.
Cops should post solutions like this:
#[Language], `n` Bytes, `c` Unique Bytes (c*n points) [Cracked](Link-To-Crack)
(Optional spoiler)
- You may not take any input for your program.
- The program must use at least 1 byte, but cannot exceed 255 bytes.
- The output itself is also limited to 255 bytes.
- The program must have consistent output results when executed multiple times.
- If your submission is not cracked within 7 days, you may mark it as "safe".
- When marking it safe, post the intended solution and score it as
. - Only mark an answer as "safe" if you really want the +15 for an accepted answer; it's more fun to see how long you can go.
- When marking it safe, post the intended solution and score it as
- The uncracked post with the lowest
score, wins the cop's thread. - This will be decided after 10 safe answers, or a few weeks.
- If you feel cocky, you may tell the user the algorithm using a spoiler tag.
Uncracked Submissions:
fetch("!.Fjs-H6J36vlFcdkRGfButLhYEngU&key=kAc8QIHB*IqJDUFcjEF1KA((&pagesize=100").then(x=>x.json()).then(data=>{var res = data.items.filter(i=>!/^#.*cracked/im.test(i.body_markdown)).map(x=>{const matched = /^ ?#{1,3} ?(?:(?:(?:\[|<a href ?= ?".*?">)([^\]]+)(?:\]|<\/a>)(?:[\(\[][a-z0-9/:\.]+[\]\)])?)|([^, ]+)).*[^\d](\d+) ?\[?(?:.*(?:byte|block|codel)s?)(?:\](?:\(.+\))?)? ?(?:\(?(?!no[nt][ -]competing)\)?)?/gim.exec(x.body_markdown);if(!matched){return;}return {link:, lang: matched[1] || matched[2], owner: x.owner}}).filter(Boolean).reverse().forEach(ans=>{var tr = document.createElement("tr");var add = (lang, link)=>{var td = document.createElement("td");var a = document.createElement("a");a.innerHTML = lang;a.href = link;td.appendChild(a);tr.appendChild(td);};add(ans.lang,;add(ans.owner.display_name,;document.querySelector("tbody").appendChild(tr);});});
<html><body><h1>Uncracked Submissions</h1><table><thead><tr><th>Language</th><th>Author</th></tr></thead><tbody></tbody></table></body></html>