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Exact | "words here" |
Author |
user:1234 user:me (yours) |
Score |
score:3 (3+) score:0 (none) |
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answers:3 (3+) answers:0 (none) isaccepted:yes hasaccepted:no inquestion:1234 |
Views | views:250 |
Code | code:"if (foo != bar)" |
Sections |
title:apples body:"apples oranges" |
URL | url:"*" |
Saves | in:saves |
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closed:yes duplicate:no migrated:no wiki:no |
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is:question is:answer |
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-[tag] -apples |
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Fastest-algorithm competitions are won by the answer with the smallest asymptotic time complexity. For challenges based on actual runtime, use [fastest-code] instead.
Optimizing polygon
Python, \$\mathcal O(n^2)\$
def best_pentagon(grid):
best = float("-inf"), -1, -1, -1
rects = [0] * len(grid[0])
pents = [(0, 0)] * len(grid[0])
for y, row in enumerate(grid):
Compute how many are no larger than each item in an array
Python, \$O(n \log n)\$
Simple algorithm based on merge sort that runs in \$O(n \log n)\$ for inputs in any range (assuming comparisons are \$O(1)\$).
def counts_by_value(array: list[int]) -> list[tup …
Total Derangement (Difficulty Level: Hard)
Python 3, \$O((n - 1)!^{m - 1}nm)\$ expected time
This is a reference answer using a very straightforward and slow rejection sampling algorithm, for the sake of having at least one valid answer. It pi …
Remove entries from array to sort it and maximize sum of elements
Haskell, \$O(n \log n)\$ time, \$O(n)\$ space
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
import qualified Data.FingerTree as F
data S = S
{ sSum :: Int
, sArr :: [Int]
} deriving (Show)
instance …