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Code-golf is a competition to solve a particular problem in the fewest bytes of source code.

2 votes

Calculate a check digit using the Damm algorithm

Ruby, 149 characters i="0";t="0#{'2uleblnnz0nbpv3kqkaufbjqebm57jdj6ubaba1mc2fyucqff69tbllrcvw393li'.to_i 36}";puts(gets.chomp.each_char{|c|i=(c=~/\d/?t[(i+c).to_i]:i)}+i) Tested on
MegaTom's user avatar
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1 vote

Write a Program that Writes a function BUT in a different language!

Ruby to Thue, 139 bytes Not as short as i thought it should be, but I will post anyway. Thue may not be the best language for golfing in. 10.times{|n|puts "#{n}+::=#{n==9?'+':''}#{(n+1)%10}\n#{n}|::=| …
MegaTom's user avatar
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3 votes

Memory Allocator

Ruby, 135 Has a global array keep track of whether each cell is allocated or not. i=->n{$a=[!0]*n;$a[0]=0} a=->n{s=$a.each_cons(n).to_a.index{|a|a.none?};n.times{|i|$a[s+i]=0}if s;s||0} d=->s,n{n.time …
MegaTom's user avatar
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4 votes

The "Do While False" idiom

C, 76 bytes I renamed c1 to c, c2 to C and result to r. C programmers go to extremes to avoid goto. If you ever have a problum with absurd syntax in C, it is most likely to be because you did not use …
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2 votes

When does Santa enter the basement? (AOC Day 1)

Befunge 25 bytes Outputs in unary. This starts you on floor one, and will go until 0. 1<\1_v#:+-*2%2~ :#._@>$1>
MegaTom's user avatar
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1 vote

Unscramble the Source Code

Ruby, 23 (Cracked) code scramble: [[d++]8%-0]the...11 mops output : "lice" tested on:
MegaTom's user avatar
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1 vote

Unscramble the Source Code

JavaScript, 36 scrambled code: trx=["bs","alie"];trx((x+x)guns(96)) output: ion
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0 votes

Unscramble the Source Code

JavaScript, 72 [SAFE] Output: 35616001553385 Code scramble: Math.exp(unoat(exp){ecit((("x")})loop[ferln] Unscrambled:
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1 vote

Capitalize first letter of each word of input

Ruby(55) gets.chars.inject(' '){|c,d|print c<?!?d.upcase():d;d} I know that a better ruby solution exits in an old answer, but I like this better. note:c<?! checks for chars that come before !, which …
MegaTom's user avatar
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0 votes

Person of Interest

Befunge-98, 170 I think this can still be golfed down a bit. But at least I beat C#. Tested at a3*> 82*v>":detciderp emirC">:#,_$...'-,..'-,....av >1 -:!#;_v^;v,,,"-555-"...,,, …
MegaTom's user avatar
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1 vote

Don't google "google"

C++, 81 int l(char *s){int b=0,i=0;do{b=s[i]^"google"[i]?1:b;}while(s[i++]);return--i/b;} Divides by 0 on "google". This is my first C++ golf, so any tips would be welcome. ^ is used like !=. b is eq …
MegaTom's user avatar
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2 votes

Print out all IPv6 addresses

Ruby 75 x=->s,n{n>0?65536.times{|m|x.(s+?:*(8<=>n)+m.to_s(16),n-1)}: p(s)};x.('',8) This is a recursive solution that takes a each prefix and finds every possible suffix. Recursively.
MegaTom's user avatar
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-2 votes

How many decimals are there before I'd need to add 1 when rounding?

Ruby, 46 Bytes This may not be valid, as it only fits 16 digits. p (gets.to_i**0.5).to_s.split('.')[1]=~/[5-9]/
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2 votes

Stack Exchange Vote Simulator

Shape Script, 26 bytes "^"$"0>1@-"~"v"$"0<1-"~0@! How it woks: "^"$ split input on '^' " 0> Check if the number is more than 0 (1 if true, 0 if false). 1@- subtract the answer …
MegaTom's user avatar
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1 vote

Make a Unicorn interpreter

Ruby, 75 characters A nifty ruby interpreter that replaces all 🦄 with ' ' (a space) and all 🐐 with ' ' (two spaces), and gets the length of each segment. I call this version of Unicorn RubyUnicorn …
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