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Code-golf is a competition to solve a particular problem in the fewest bytes of source code.

3 votes

Crack the code to the combination lock

JavaScript ES6 – 53 43 bytes f=n=>n.replace(/.. ?/g,a=>(1+a[1]-a[0])%10) Fairly straightforward function, uses regex to get the numbers. Try it out at If function …
NinjaBearMonkey's user avatar
8 votes

Integer mark into grade

Retina, 43 + 15 = 58 bytes ...+ A .[012] $&- .[789] $&+ ^9. B ^8. C ^7. D 6. E \d.* F Retina is a regex language created by Martin Büttner, where the odd-numbered files are the regex to match with, …
NinjaBearMonkey's user avatar
3 votes

A Spintax {Task|Problem|Question}

JavaScript ES6, 86 84 bytes f=s=>s.repeat(5).replace(/{(.+?)}/g,(_,e)=>(p=e.split`|`)[Math.random()*p.length|0]) This expects the input to have a trailing newline. It starts by repeating the input …
NinjaBearMonkey's user avatar
3 votes

Implement a FuzzyFinder

JavaScript ES6, 68 bytes (s,l,f=j=>j.indexOf(s))=>l.filter(w=>~f(w)).sort((a,b)=>f(a)>f(b)) This is an anonymous function that takes parameters s (file path string) and l (array of strings). The St …
NinjaBearMonkey's user avatar
0 votes

Complementary colors

CJam, 16 bytes qA,'G,65>+s_W%er This is fairly long because CJam handles base changes differently, so it was shorter to just do transliteration. See my Retina answer for more on transliteration. T …
NinjaBearMonkey's user avatar
7 votes

Complementary colors

Retina, 13 10 bytes T`w`G-A9-0 There are three parts to the code, separated by backticks (`): T specifies transliterate mode, which replaces each character in the second part with its corresponding …
NinjaBearMonkey's user avatar
1 vote

Stack a random number of cups into a perfect two dimensional pyramid (triangle)

JavaScript (ES6) – 47 p=n=>{for(t=i=0;i+t<n;)t+=i++;return i-1+','+t} For now only works on Firefox. The following works on any recent browser at 55 bytes: p=function(n){for(t=i=0;i+t<n;)t+=i++;retur …
NinjaBearMonkey's user avatar
1 vote

Output Graham's Number

JavaScript 179 n='';a=Array;for(b=64;b>1;)n+=(c=a(65-b).join(' '))+'3^^'+a(2*b).join('.')+'^3\n'+c+' \\'+(u=a(b--).join('_'))+' '+u+'/\n'+(d=a(64).join(' '))+' \\/\n' console.log(n+d+'3^^^^3') Te …
NinjaBearMonkey's user avatar
3 votes

Print all Country Codes

JavaScript ES6, 336 322 a='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' alert(r='tr20d,yxurj,soeyn,1migz,rbh14,5hqc,13w82y,z1c,iqx33,l8dmo,1swln,zokqa,tukfz,r8voh,jzd34,mflqi,jzjen,10gn1k,13ycc7,sn0bd,kbb0j,qm2h …
NinjaBearMonkey's user avatar
2 votes

Unscramble the Source Code

JavaScript, 26 (cracked) later(103>(8-9)&80>4|10>9) Output 999
NinjaBearMonkey's user avatar
4 votes

Unscramble the Source Code

JavaScript, length 32 (cracked) alert('HaVobp'.match(/[HaVt]+/)) Output puGiXm
NinjaBearMonkey's user avatar
7 votes

Fifty Shades of Grey

JavaScript, 87 90 bytes for(i=90;i>40;)document.write('<p style=background:#'+i+i+i--+';height:9ex;width:9ex>') This outputs squares to the HTML, because it is really JavaScript's only met …
NinjaBearMonkey's user avatar
2 votes

Solve a Diagonal Burrows-Wheeler transform

JavaScript ES6, 41 + 49 = 90 bytes Encoder (t=>t.replace(/./g,(_,o)=>t[o*2%t.length]))('Hello World') Decoder (t=>t.replace(/./g,(_,o)=>t[-~(l=t.length)/2*o%l]))('HloWrdel ol') These are anon …
NinjaBearMonkey's user avatar
0 votes

Decode a Rövarspråket string

JavaScript ES6, 108 bytes F=s=>{ for(n='',i=0;i<s.length;n+=c)c=s[i],i+=~'bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz'.indexOf(c.toLowerCase())?3:1 return n } To make this interesting, I tried to do this entirely wi …
NinjaBearMonkey's user avatar
23 votes

Ninjas and Monkeys and Bears, Oh My!

JavaScript ES6, 86 bytes f=s=>'NBM BM NB M B N'.replace(/\S+/g,e=>(i=0,s=s.replace(RegExp(e,'g'),_=>++i))&&i+e) (I just had to answer this.) It goes through each substring of NBM, starting with the …
NinjaBearMonkey's user avatar

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