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m3ph1st0s's programming puzzle 3 (C): “Easy bug”

This is the 3rd of my series of C/C++ puzzles; in case you missed the first 2 they are here: (1) m3ph1st0s's programming puzzle 1 (C++) (2) m3ph1st0s's programming puzzle 2 (C++): "Call hard!"

I must say that my puzzles are 100% original. If not, I will always state so in the text. My 3rd puzzle has 2 parts as follows:

Puzzle 3.1

This part (3.1) is not an original puzzle of mine, it is collected from some internet page I've read a while ago. I use it here as a starting point and a warm-up for you. Solve this one and then move on to the 2nd part.

Some one tried to print the "+" sign 20 times and came up with the following program:

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
   int i;
   int n = 20;
   for( i = 0; i < n; i-- )
   return 0;

The fact that it did not have the expected result is obvious - the program never ends. Fix it! Easy? Now fix the program by changing ONLY ONE CHARACTER! For this challenge there are 3 solutions. Find all 3 of them. Just to make it clear: the program must output 20 "+" signs and must end fast. Before criticizing me on what "fast" means, I'll say it means at most a couple of seconds (which by the way is too much but just to make it crystal clear).

Puzzle 3.2

When I first saw the puzzle I found it pretty awesome. I did manage to solve it but not immediately since it requires some careful attention. If you are here it means you too solved it. If you did so by writing a program to replace all possible characters with all possible values and test every solution, you are lost. Hard working guy though. Now having corrected the program that writes 20 "+" signs:

3.2.1: Insert one single letter and nothing more in the code so that the result is valid and outputs the same thing in all 3 corrected programs. Needless to say, the letter must be before the enclosing } of main (I say that because I don't want to hear people who just put a letter after the program and somehow their compiler was very friendly). 3.2.2: Choose another value to initialize the variable n so that the resulting output will remain the same for at least one of the 3 corrected programs (not necessarily for all of them).

The challenge is to solve both parts of the puzzle. The first one to do it wins.

I hope it's all clear, if not please post any questions and I'll edit as quickly as possible. Cheers.