#MATL, 18 14 bytes
Input is provided as a string (enclosed in single quotes).
This version only runs in MATL on MATLAB since MATLAB is able to automatically parse datestr('2016 04')
% Implicitly grab input as a string
4:&) % Break into the first 4 characters (the year) and the last two (the month)
Xh % Combine these two parts into a cell array
Zc % Join them together with a space in between
12 % Number literal, pre-defined datestring of 'mmmyy'
XO % Convert from serial date number to string using this format
Xk % Convert to uppercase
% Implicitly display
Here is an 18 byte version which works on Octave (and therefore the online interpreter)
Modified version for all test cases
% Implicitly grab input as a string
'yyyymm' % Push the format string as a string literal
2$YO % Convert to a serial date number
12 % Number literal, pre-defined datestring of 'mmmyy'
XO % Convert from serial date number to string using this format
Xk % Convert to uppercase
% Implicitly display