Julia, 165 155 151 129 102 bytes
g(s,d=[])=join(filter(i->i!=0,[(c=lcfirst(w)[1])∈d?0:(d=[d;c];w)for w=split(s,r"\W",keep=1<0)])," ")
This is a function that accepts a string and returns a string.
function g(s, d=[])
# Split the string into an array on unwanted characters, then for
# each word, if the first letter has been encountered, populate
# this element of the array with 0, otherwise note the first letter
# and use the word. This results in an array of words and zeros.
x = [(c = lcfirst(w)[1]) ∈ d ? 0 : (d = [d; c]; w) for w = split(s, r"\W", keep=1<0)]
# Remove the zeros, keeping only the words. Note that this works
# even if the word is the string "0" since 0 != "0".
z = filter(i -> i != 0, x)
# Join into a string and return
return join(z, " ")
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