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Commonmark migration

As of yet untitled language (so new noncompetitive), 9 bytes


You can find the source code here, language is completely unstable (first test challenge for it) so don't expect it to work in the future (commit 7)

This is a stack based language with functions that add and remove objects from the stack. There are currently 2 stack manipulation commands: D(duplicate the top of the stack N times) and R(rotate the top N items on the stack)


          - autoassign Q = eval_or_not(input()) (string)
h         - imp_eval_input()+1
 D        - duplicate(^)
  _       - neg(^)
   R      - rotate(^)
    Q:    - Q[^:^]
      Q|  - Q[0], Q[-1]
        J - "".join(all)
  • 28.6k
  • 8
  • 52
  • 100