CJam, 34 31 bytes
This requires the input to be padded to a rectangle with spaces.
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qN/ e# Read input and split into lines.
W%z e# Rotate 90° counter-clockwise.
Sf- e# Remove all spaces from the rows.
La% e# Split into buildings. We've now got a 3D array of rooms, where the first
e# dimension is the building, the second the room number and the third is the
e# the floor number.
{ e# Run this block three times. At each stage it will find the index of the "*"
e# along the current dimension and leave the element at that index on the stack
e# for the next round...
_ e# Duplicate the current array.
{ e# Find the index of the first element where this block yields something
e# truthy...
s e# Flatten into a single string.
'*& e# Set intersection with "*".
_) e# Duplicate the index and increment it, because the results should be 1-based.
@@= e# Pull up the array and the other copy of the index and select the
e# corresponding element.
;\ e# We've now got the building, room and floor index on the stack, as well as the
e# "*" character itself. We discard the character and swap the room and the floor
e# floor number. When the three indices are printed back-to-back at the end of
e# the program, that will yield the desired result.