TI-BASIC, 11 Tasks in 728 bytes
Task 1 in 7 bytes
Input is a list in Ans
Task 2 in 92 bytes
:Input L₁ :SortA(L₁ :min(7,1+sum(not(L₁ :{L₁(1)+sum(seq(L₁(I))₁₀^(I-8),I,2,7)),L₁(Ans)+sum(seq((I
Ans)L₁(I)₁₀^(1-I),I,2,7 :ᴇ6Ans(1+(0>
Prompts for a list of digits.
Task 3 in 119 bytes
:Input Str1 :" →Str2 :For(I,1,length(Str1 :sub(Str1,I,1→Str3 :inString("
",Ans :If Ans:Then :max(0,min(L,C+2Ans-3→C :Else :C+1→C :L+1→L :sub(Str2,1,C)+Str3+sub(Str2,C+1,L-C+1→Str2 :End :End :sub(Str2,2,L
Prompts for a string. Assumes C and L are either undefined or 0.
Task 4 in 35 bytes
Input is a string in Ans
Task 5 in 63 bytes
:Ans/2→C :sub("A.A",1+2fPart(C),2 :For(I,0,C :"Alex "+Ans :If I≠C :Ans+" xelA :End :Ans
Input is a number in Ans
Task 6 in 66 bytes
3 :For(Y,⁻1,1 :Disp sum(seq((5-real(AnsX+Ans𝑖Y)-3imag(AnsX+Ans𝑖Y))₁₀^(X+1),X,⁻1,1 :End
Input is a number in Ans
Task 7 in 36 bytes
:Input L₁ :.5 :For(I,1,dim(L₁ :Ans+L₁(I :If 10=int(Ans :0 :End :not(Ans
Prompts for a list of digits.
Task 8 in 29 bytes
:18fPart(sum(seq(I(sub(Ans,I,1)=" ")/6,I,1,15
Input is a string in Ans
Task 9 in 83 bytes
:For(I,1,16,2 :If I<8 :Ans+sub("
",sub(Ans,4,1)),1 :sub(Ans,I,1)+Ans :End :For(I,⁻1,1 :Disp sub(Ans,9-8abs(I),8 :End
Input is a string in Ans
Task 10 in 159 bytes
:1→X :Input Str1 :2+length(Str1→L :"X :While 2+L
length(Ans :Ans+Ans→Str2 :End :Ans→Str3 :While 1 :"XX :Ans+Str1+Ans→Str1 :For(I,1,L :Ans+sub("0X.",2expr(sub(Str2,I+1,1))+not(expr(sub(Ans,I,3)+sub(Str2,I,3)+sub(Str3,I,3))),1 :End :Disp sub(Ans,L+3,L :Str2→Str3 :Str1→Str2 :Input Str1 :End
Uses X0.
instead of .Xo
respectively (sorry nothing matches). Prompts for input line by line. You have to enter two lines of X
s to see all the output, and then 2nd+Quit to quit.
Task 11 in 39 bytes
:Disp "SATOR :Disp "AREPO :Disp "TENET :Disp "OPERA :Disp "ROTAS
Task 12?
This is actually impossible in TI-BASIC. It is possible to hex edit a basic program and use certain 2-byte tokens to get all of the printable ascii characters into the source code, but that's not the issue. The problem is that there is no way to store a "
character into a string in pure basic on a clean calc with no program input (the same applies to the →
character, but that's not printable ascii). It is possible, however, to put "
into an equation outside basic, after which you can use basic to convert the equation to a string and display that string. On top of all that, there is only enough room on screen for 128 characters at a time anyway.