Lua, 462 455 431 bytes
There is no built-in complex math in Lua. No vector operations either. All had to be rolled by hand.
a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h=...w=math x=w.sqrt z=print i=a-g j=b-h
j=(b+h+o)/2 k=(a+g-n)/2 l=(b+h-o)/2 z(i,j,k,l)q=c^2+d^2 r=e^2+f^2 s=q+r if s==0
then z(1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0)else if r==0 then m,n,o,p=c,d,c,d c,d=i-a,j-b e,f=k-a,l-b
u=x(q+c^2+d^2)v=x(q+e^2+f^2)else m,n=i-g,j-h o,p=k-g,l-h c,d=e,f
u=x(r+m^2+n^2)v=x(r+o^2+p^2)end z(m/u,n/u,o/v,p/v,c/u,d/u,e/v,f/v)end
Run from the command-line with the following arguments:
lua eigen.lua Re(a) Im(a) Re(b) Im(b) Re(c) Im(c) Re(d) Im(d)
Produces the following output:
Re(lambda1) Im(lambda1) Re(lambda2) Im(lambda2)
Re(v11) Im(v11) Re(v12) Im(v12) Re(v21) Im(v21) Re(v22) Im(v22)
...for a,b,c,d the 4 components of the input matrix, lambda1 and lambda2 the two eigenvalues, v11,v21 the first unit eigenvector, and v12,v22 the second unit eigenvector. For example,
lua eigen.lua 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0
1.6180339887499 0 -0.61803398874989 0
0.85065080835204 0 -0.52573111211913 0 0.52573111211913 0 0.85065080835204 0