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Commonmark migration

Pyth, 64 bytes

Uses except that a)No cache since Pyth automatically memoizes, b)Prints each instead of appending to list, and c) is translated to Pyth.


I'll post an explanation of this when I have the time, but here is the corresponding python code:

g=lambda G,H: sum(map(lambda d:g(G-d, d), range(1, (H if H<G else G) + 1))) if G else 1
k,d = Q,random.randrange(g(Q, Q))
while Q:
    for N in range(1, min(k, Q) + 1):
        K = g(Q-N, N)
        if d < K:
        d -= K
    print N
    Q -= N

Edit: I finally got around to doing the explanation:

M                Lambda g(G,H)
 ?         G     If G truthy
  s              Sum
   m             Map
    g            Recursive call
     -Gdd        G-d,d
    r            Range
     1           1 to
     h           +1
      hS         First element of sorted (does min)
       ,GH       From G and H
   1             Else 1
A                Double assign
 kd              Vars k and d
 ,               To vals
  Q              Q (evaled input)
  O              Randrange 0 till val
   gQQ           Call g(Q, Q)
WQ               While Q is truthy
 FN              For N in
  r              Range
   1             From one
   h             Till +1
    hS,QK        Min(Q,K)
  Kg             K=g(
   -QN           Q-N
   N             N
  I<dK           If d<k
   B             Break (implicit close paren)
  -=dk           Subtracts d-=k
 )               Close out for loop
 N               Prints N
 =kN             Set k=N
 -=QN            Subtracts Q-=N
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  • 4
  • 55
  • 127