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Julia sets

If there's a Mandelbrot, there should be a Julia set too.

enter image description here

You can spend hours tweaking the parameters and functions, so this is just a quick one that looks decent.

Inspired from Martin's participation.

unsigned short red_fn(int i, int j){
#define D(x) (x-DIM/2.)/(DIM/2.)
float x=D(i),y=D(j),X,Y,n=0;while(n++<200&&(X=x*x)+(Y=y*y)<4){x=X-Y+.36237;y=2*x*y+.32;}return log(n)*256;}

unsigned short green_fn(int i, int j){
float x=D(i),y=D(j),X,Y,n=0;while(n++<200&&(x*x+y*y)<4){X=x;Y=y;x=X*X-Y*Y+-.7;y=2*X*Y+.27015;}return log(n)*128;}

unsigned short blue_fn(int i, int j){
float x=D(i),y=D(j),X,Y,n=0;while(n++<600&&(x*x+y*y)<4){X=x;Y=y;x=X*X-Y*Y+.36237;y=2*X*Y+.32;}return log(n)*128;}