Of course, there has to be a Mandelbrot submission.
char red_fn(int i,int j){
float x=0,y=0;int k;for(k=0;k++<256;){float a=x*x-y*y+(i-768.0)/512;y=2*x*y+(j-512.0)/512;x=a;if(x*x+y*y>4)break;}return k>31?256:k*8;
char green_fn(int i,int j){
float x=0,y=0;int k;for(k=0;k++<256;){float a=x*x-y*y+(i-768.0)/512;y=2*x*y+(j-512.0)/512;x=a;if(x*x+y*y>4)break;}return k>63?256:k*4;
char blue_fn(int i,int j){
float x=0,y=0;int k;for(k=0;k++<256;){float a=x*x-y*y+(i-768.0)/512;y=2*x*y+(j-512.0)/512;x=a;if(x*x+y*y>4)break;}return k;
Trying to improve the colour scheme now. Is it cheating if I define the computation as a macro is red_fn
and use that macro in the other two so I have more characters for fancy colour selection in green and blue?