Perl, 120 108 104 89 85
<>=~/ /;$c=$t=1;for(1..2*$'-1){$t*=$`/$_;$_%2?$s:$c+=$_&2?-$t:$t}printf"%f\n"x2,$s,$c
<> =~ / /;
$cosine = $t = 1;
for (1.. 2*$' - 1){
$t *= $` / $_;
($_%2 ? $sine : $cosine) += $_&2?-$t:$t
printf "%.6f\n" x2, $sine, $cosine
The first line reads the input and uses regex to find a space; this automatically puts the value before the space in $` and the value after it in $'.
Now we loop from 1 to 2*n-1
. $t
is our term, which the loop repeatedly multiplies by x
and divides by the loop's index ($_
). The loop starts at 1 rather than 0 because the cosine is initialized to 1, which saved me having to deal with dividing by zero.
After updating $t
, the trinary operator returns either $sine
or $cosine
, depending on whether the index is odd or even, and adds $t
's value to it. The magic formula $_&2?-$t:$t
figures whether to add or subtract this value (basically using a bitwise-and on the index and 2 to generate the repeating sequence of "add, add, subtract, subtract").
You can test-run this code at